…should be thrown in the brig for sounding off like this.
Where is the FBI when you need them?
Oh ya — they work with Antifa.
…should be thrown in the brig for sounding off like this.
Where is the FBI when you need them?
Oh ya — they work with Antifa.
Silver has broken down below the up trend line. Silver has long been known as the “bitch” of the metals market with good reason. The cash market just adds more to the premium to spot.
Energy Transfer has popped higher and seems to have changed trend to the upside.
Biden is being ‘priced’ in and just look how perfect it all is….SM cruising in new all time Hi’s Bonds going no where Dollar all quite and Bitcoin soars, as all of Big Tech pour in to the new form of currency…meanwhile the one asset that reall does protect u against the mad socialism of Chona Joe and Co, craters…….It’s all just so easy….Free mkts my arse.
Examining the current extraordinary market backdrop, the “pain trade” has been higher. Despite extreme bullish sentiment, many have remained less than fully invested. FOMO (fear of missing out) has been excruciating. The poor bears have been decimated. Short positions remain easy – big fat bear in a barrel – “squeeze” targets, with little concern these days for those pesky bears shorting overextended stocks. Devoid of selling pressure, the sky’s the limit.
But, mainly, there is today a pool of speculative finance without precedent. Positive vaccine news stoked a manic rotation, catching most in a highly Crowded marketplace tech heavy and underexposed to financials, small caps, myriad lagging sectors, EM and the broader market more generally. Quant strategies run amuck. Throw in all the manic derivatives trading – beloved call options in particular – and one can easily explain the origins of market “melt-up” trading dynamics. And such a speculative, dislocated and devious marketplace welcomes negative news flow. This only entices some new short positions along with put buyers – to then be summarily torched by a carefree market gleefully climbing the proverbial “wall of worry.”
In reality, there’s plenty to worry about. As welcome as positive vaccine news is right now, the conclusion of the pandemic will not, unfortunately, usher in a return to normalcy. The massive amount of debt noted above will overhang the system for years, as will deep scars throughout the real economy.
their stolen election
As true now as it ever was.
Steps not to be taken lightly and we’re not there yet IMO.
OUR STUPID Democrat Politicians know nothing of history …Russia is well aware of WHO the problem is ..Thats why Trump always said we should be friends with Russia theres nothing wrong with that … Democrats want the Chinese because they offer bribes to them and it works .Trump wants friends with Russia because of Germany and Democrats are to stupid and Greedy and the Chinese know it. !
The Chinese are playing the Russians and the Germans against the US ,a divide and conquer strategy and the Democrats are to Stupid and Power greedy to see it. or they dont care, they just want Power any way they can get it..and are willing to SELL OUT to anybody to get it.
In Congress, July 4, 1776
That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government
National Socialism is alive & WELL in the Democrats Socialists agenda.!
Trump was right again in pulling troops out of Germany and positioning them in POLAND ,he knows his history.He was also right in insisting Germany contribute to its own defence budget in the amount of 2 % of its GNP. The amount they agreed to spend along with the rest of Europe .The US should not subsidize German National Socialism .Trump is well aware of that and will not subsidize NATIONAL SOCIALISM .Neither should the rest of Europe ,we need to let them KNOW THEY must control Germany ,dont expect the US to do it again. History is upon us for those that know and were alive back then. That was the whole purpose of a European Union to stop Germany .Force them to pay up and they wont have money to make trouble. WE need to scare the rest of Europe and tell them we wont rescue them any more !
are telling me we are withen 0 to 5 % from the current bottom ! The Turn is near…
Posted by Tom Luongo on Bloomberg:
As Tom Luongo recently noted, the current rally in bitcoin is telling us clearly that there is a new premier store of value asset because of the current state of the world. Maybe that’s really what Schiff is decrying, a world that has passed him by.
What’s becoming clear even to me is that gold will only be valued in relation to bitcoin going forward, not the other way around.
It’s sad but true. In my heart of hearts I wish it were different and not because of the structure of my portfolio or the name of my business.
It’s sad because it proves that we are moving into a different age where technology is depreciating the value of an asset which materially improved the life of billions for millennia towards its commodity extraction value limit.
Pennsylvania Governor Bans Alcohol Sales On The Day Before Thanksgiving
K92 Mining Reports Higher Grades From Judd Underground Development and Positive Grade Reconciliations & Recoveries From Processing of Judd Bulk Sample
Great Bear Drills 101.50 m of 4.69 g/t Gold, Including 5.25 m of 41.25 g/t Gold at LP Fault; Provides Update on Successful Model Test
Skeena Intersects 36.75 g/t AuEq over 18.32 metres in 21A Zone Infill Drilling at Eskay Creek
Premier Continues Successful Delineation of Higher Grades at Mercedes
Dollar down, SM up, PM’s crushed.
I’m thinking I missed another opportunity to sell my phyzz at the $2K top
I’ll have to listen to this a few times. It looks like a death cycle that needs intervention before not after it crashes.
It explains what happened to Lehman too from back in 08.
Let the infected, trampling hordes of illegal immigrants begin. Free Healthcare! Free guaranteed income for life! Bring in the world! …unless you are a ‘citizen’, of course. Don’t ever reveal that you were a Trump supporter. You will be hunted like dogs. The Deep State will see to that. The Hildebeast is already cackling over her cauldron about the Biden team. Any bets on how long before Sloppy Joe drips out and makes Kamala-toes the president? Madam of the House of Ill repute is ready with the 25th amendment. We’ve already had a black gay fraudulent president… why not a woman of dubious ‘color’? Welcome to “Once Great America’ OGA-chukka! It was nice knowing you… fifty years ago. Goodnight America… how are ya?
Golden Beaver