OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

aufever. Vaccines are my only hesitancy about Trump, but I think he’s walking a very shaky tightrope.

Posted by silverngold @ 0:08 on December 8, 2020  

On vaccines, this is not my idea but when I heard it it got me thinking. There is no way they can produce a safe and effective vaccine in the quantities necessary in the short time required without tremendous risk. Also, since this is the very first RNA vaccine ever made….. and already about half the population says they will refuse to get it, this is what IMO they will do, especially since IMO they are NOT fighting a virus in the first place. They are fighting 5G electromagnetic radiation.

The first “vaccine” will be nothing but a normal saline placebo. They’ll line up a bunch of “VIP’s”, like Obama, and maybe a few celebrities’, and probably Pelosi and some other known politicians and give them the “vaccine”. That’ll get things off to a good start. Then they’ll begin “vaccinating” the terrified hoards who line up for miles to be the first to get this lifesaving shot. This will all make headlines on the MSM for weeks or months and NOBODY WILL DIE FROM THIS GREAT NEW VACCINE, but anyone who didn’t get the “vaccine” and dies from most anything else they will say died from the Covid-19 virus.

In the mean time they will be producing the real RNA vaccine, making it ready in enough quantities to pretty well cover the world population. They’ll crow about how successful and safe the first “vaccine” was and convince many more people to line up for the second shot, and this time people may start dropping like flies, but hopefully not for a few weeks or months to give them time to get the dirty deed done.  Then they’ll blame the deaths on a mutated “virus” and the necessity of preparing the next vaccine to cover the mutation. Rinse and repeat! First, last, or in between, I will NOT get the vaccine!

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.