Neither heaven or hell needs silver OR gold so it won’t do you any good to make great trades for large or small fortunes if you and all your freedoms have been
removed from this earth. That is what is happening, right before our eyes, and if you can’t see that, it must be because you don’t want to see it. I don’t want to
see it either, but I do, and I do not enjoy what I see or being a messenger. IMO the world is in crisis right now on many fronts. The Great Reset is to create a
totally digital one world currency, and a totalitarian world government, and if we allow that to happen, there will be no need for silver, or for gold, or for great
trades, or for 95% of the worlds population. We, and all the things we live for will be gone, and so will be the reasons to own silver and gold, if WE DON’T
WAKE UP. Okay, You’ve heard enough from Silverngold! I’ll shut up now and wish you all the best!