Another video I’d call this part 2 of COVID. The worse part. It’s long but worth watching including those in healthcare. Getting this part right is a matter of life and death.
Besides not getting it in the first place which you’d about have to lock down not go out but important to keep the load of the virus down with the first one with antivirals and immune system because the inflammatory process starts in the second.
The antivirals at this point won’t work. The body’s inflammatory response is from getting rid of the dead virus after so many days for most part. If you start treatment with steroids too early you worsen the condition by allowing the virus to grow in numbers. If you start it too late the chance of survival goes down or permanent damage occurs if you survive. It’s about timing, type of steroid, dose and duration which should be longer than 5 days.
The type of steroids that work better vita C and this doctor treating it uses omega 3 and melatonin. Most important here is how some doctors in the beginning especially got the treatment wrong and at this stage it’s a matter of life and death you get it right.