I’m not sure either at this point other than it’s in end game.
I don’t trust a demo party with QE. What did they do last time but focus on money for their donors and outsourcing. Pelosi has already delayed immediate help. Banks are keeping the money or giving it out to places that don’t need it while making the paperwork and time for small business owners impossible. Trump shouldn’t of trusted the banks with that and made sure the process was simple as well as it went where it needed to go, we’re gonna be paying taxes and increasing debt to places that didn’t even need it.
What does that say about these elite colleges teaching kids getting it while people who needed it and meant for weren’t getting it. It’s like taking the bottle away from a starving baby and giving it to a fat spoiled baby. So things are gonna be a financial mess because of it.
As far as the run that could be technical right now but we have unknown factors going along with it. A lot of them lol