BIDEN claims to have “the first all female communications team…..”
Holy shit what are they going to do talk us to death ? They cant manage anything in Government so they are going to “explain” every problem away .Thats what democrats do now ! Trump has his own team of Fems to counter theirs.The founding FATHERS did it right ,so now everythings so screwed up by giving everybody a chance to GOVERN …the Females,the BLACKS ,the GAYS ,next the Latinos ,the CHINESE it begs the question whats the criteria for Governing ? WHAT ever happened to the most capable ? When do the midgets get a turn ? how about the mixed breed like Pocahantas from Massachusetts ,everybody will claim membership in a minority ! ITS all so stupid while the country is out of work ..Politicans need a cut in pay just like you ! They need to be recalled and prevented from staying on for more than 1 term ..The Founders set it up as a part time so everybody would return to the private sector .There should be NO Pensions for Politicians ,theres an incentive to return to private sector .Bribery should be a hanging offense with enforcement.
FORGET about the nice Country you HAD,it dont exist anymore .What are you going to do about it. ? SOLVE the Political problems first .