Check to be sure PAPA is not on anticoagulants like Coumadin.
If he’s getting regular INR tests which is to check the normal coagulation pathway.
It’s normally lower for people not taking anticoagulants but higher for people taking them for therapeutic reasons.
You’ll see in this PRD below one incidence of a man who developed a clot mixing Ivermectin with anticoagulant Coumadin. I’m aware of that story and had a very large clot under his tongue that pushed his tongue to the top of his mouth. He was hospitalized and given the antidote vita K BUT his INR was through the roof and could of bleed out anywhere in his body. He was only taking 3 mg of Ivermectin.
Perhaps see if you can talk to the doctor if it would be safe to take it because he wants to take it for a prophylactic and if any contradictions with his medications
or heart. You can leave a message but make sure a receptionist gets it clear and thorough first he may need time to check,
He can take for now the C , zinc, D3 ect including melatonin slow release at night. They mentioned it helps prevent getting it. The D does to and increases survival if you get it.
Also you guys can order a air filter for his living room and room. They have some with safer doses of UV just put away from him.
If got one running at home. They needed to put them out in all these nursing homes right away because it could spread through vents maybe plus have a isolation hall and trained the nurses how to treat and what to look for. They should of been doing regular every shift and as needed pulse ox on their oxygen and pre treating but they didn’t. Here’s two links.
For Maya
Ivermectin pdr side effects indications the second on protocol Moggy found after talking about it to her. I’ll talk a little about two of them I that one. Ask the doctor if there is any compromise to his Blood Brain Barrier. Important question. Don’t have time to talk about that right now.
Protocol Covid