YEAR | Cost of 1 lb. of Bread | Federal Minimum Wage |
1940 | $0.10 | $0.30 |
1950 | $0.12 | $0.75 |
1960 | $0.23 | $1.00 |
1970 | $0.25 | $1.60 |
In 1940 you earned 3 loaves of bread per hour.
1950 6.2 loaves of bread per hour.
1960 4 loaves of bread per hour.
1970 6.4 loaves of bread per hour.
Today? A high quality similar to home made, Arnold Country White, here is $4.99. Minimum wages in NY City $15/hr.
So we are back to the future 1940, you earn 3 loaves of bread per hour.
And don’t forget. The higher the lowest rate is, all other rates go higher.