Would that have been the Bundy Ranch location in Nevada where Sen Harry Reed and BLM were trying to evict the Bundys and take their land a few years back? If so that would fit one more piece of that puzzle together. I recall it was said it involved China and I think a solar farm as well but it was sure a monumental effort made to get rid of the Bundys. Any connection?
R640 – Interesting List
I’ve never even heard of half of them.
So, where are all the politicians that have thrown us under the bus? I know they’re not big money guys like the ones you’ve listed, but they are surely the ones that have allowed the graft.
Richard640 @ 12:07 re Who Sold Out The USA To China et al.
Without me looking all that up, who was responsible for the tax breaks to move business off shore, and who was responsible
for the tax HIKES to move business off shore, and who was responsible
for the rigged fixed currency exchange rate of $1 equal 7 Yuan, restricted to a narrow plus or minus 1% or 2% alleged “floating” free market exchange rate?
The above is the bottom line, and for equality, the Dollar should be equal to 2 Yuan, or create a “LONG Yuan” ETF so we can all go crazy buying it, drive it HIGHER to shove it right up the big multi national corporations and their retailers asses. LOL
For example a $1 equal 1 Yuan, would make Chinese imports 7 times more expensive, to inhibit importing, and promote manufacturing of widgets here. At the same time, Chinese consumers would get HUGE discounts on American made widget consumer products.
But we can’t sell them our Food or Fuel and Metals so cheap, that’s too important. Higher Yuan should only be exporting consumer products that end up at the curb or cheap at garage sales. Consumer electronics, US made tools ratchet sets, clothing etc. NOT the good stuff. .
Just some more Christmas cheer for the holidays! And there’s SantaFauci handing out Christmas vaccines to the whole world. Thank you too Bill Gates for making it possible!
Amusing “Elon Musk told shareholders on Tuesday Tesla has secured rights to 10,000 acres in Nevada”
Tesla was recently holding acquisition talks with a Nevada-based mining company to advance its ambitious plan to source lithium from clay deposits in the US, but the electric-car company was unable to reach a deal and has since secured the rights needed to legally mine the raw material on its own in the state,
In the past, the automaker had planned to buy the mining company, Cypress Development Corp., which is also looking to source lithium from Nevada land,
Comment, CYDVF on the sept Sept 29 news it was .40 cents. .65 today.
Richard640 @ 12:05, I know!! Just trying to lighten the mood in these dark times. LOL!!!
Glad you cleared that up though. That was not a good mental picture I was forming….. but hey, I like the fact that it provoked you to post those gals pictures again. Are they what you call “eye candy”? Or maybe Poison Ivy? if you remember the song.
Merry Christmas to you and to all here on the forum from Silverngold.
up 35% this morning.
this is recaf’s mexican stepchild. they hold an option to buy 50% of recaf’s oil exploration rights in botswana.
if recaf hits oil and/or gas in namibia, chances are very good the extension of the same sedimentary basin in botswana also holds hydrocarbons, and that option becomes MUCH (orders of magnitude?) more valuable.
edit: 40% (!!!) heavy volume
edit: 69% (!!!)
Richard640, I can try son…
….but I sure don’t know why you’d want a fat Santa, and I doubt I can get him into your stocking son!
University of Michigan is blasted as ‘parochial and moronic’ after ‘woke’ IT task force bans words like ‘picnic,’ ‘brown bag’ and ‘blacklist’ for being offensive and harming morale
” I don’t believe we got Bin Laden in Pakistan, I do believe he may have hid there for a little bit, but he was dead in the early 2000’s.”
Wouldn’t surprise me. I trust what used car dealers say more than I’d trust most any politicians.
Hey Ipso
Who knows with Pakistan? Could be about Israel, could be about playing nice with India, could be about them giving us intel on movements in Afghanistan, although I’m not sure why we’d trust that. BTW, you know I don’t believe we got Bin Laden in Pakistan, I do believe he may have hid there for a little bit, but he was dead in the early 2000’s.
Anyhoo, thanks for the update on RGLD. I love the stock but really just to flip in and out of at these levels.
You’re right, everything pm’s including the shares look pretty good. Only need to hold up for a couple more hours and it will be a stunning win!
“Pork to Pakistan” It’s a wonderment to me. Are we trying to bribe them to recognize Israel? What a waste of taxpayer money!
“RGLD” I haven’t heard anything. Doesn’t look like there’s any recent news. PM shares march to their own drummer!
Hey the PM shares have turned around. Looking pretty good now.
Morning Ipso – agree eff Pakistan
What the hell is Congress doing dumping pork into their country? So typical of the swamp.
BTW – since you are the keeper of all knowledge. Do you have any intel on RGLD? It has been relatively weak the last 10 days or so but I don’t see any news.
Killing Christians is OK doncha know. Eff Pakistan
Pakistani court orders release of men accused of murdering Daniel Pearl
KARACHI, Pakistan (Reuters) – A Pakistani court on Thursday ordered the immediate release of four men accused of orchestrating the 2002 kidnapping and murder of American journalist Daniel Pearl, including the main suspect earlier sentenced to death for masterminding the killing.
In April the same court – the Sindh High Court – commuted the death sentence of the main suspect, British-born Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh, and acquitted three others citing a lack of evidence against them.
Per Bubblevision
“A Brexit deal has been reached.”
If we can hold our own on a short trading day
I’d consider it a win. Scum love to attack these light trading days in pm’s while goosing the SM.
edit: and here they come…
No rest for the weary especially on a shortened Christmas Eve trading day. I’d guess this would probably be a 100% probability. Bastards.