OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Morning Buygold

Posted by Maddog @ 7:59 on December 21, 2020  

Re Silver

we have heard it all before…but my wife is a Pilates teacher and she has heard/read that silver is going to be used more and more as both a plating and as a wipe, due to it’s anti viral properties .

@Maddog re Food Shortage Possible In U.K.?

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 7:55 on December 21, 2020  

I see that on the news this morning. Is it true? I noticed something strange in the supermarket where I go. A lot things are on sale a lot cheaper.

Even meats. And at the same time skimpy shelves not stocked like normal and many choices missing. The meat guy told me they are getting less in each delivery. Less amount and less selection. So why on sale cheaper I was thinking.

Morning Maddog

Posted by Buygold @ 7:46 on December 21, 2020  

I’m surprised silver is up at all and gold isn’t getting crushed given the spike in the USD this am.

Not sure what that’s about?

I see on Kitco silver got all the way up to $27.52 – something’s going on there, it’s the only metal that seems to be ripping. Someone having a tough time delivering?

Re new virus strain in UK

Posted by Maddog @ 5:28 on December 21, 2020  

We are right at start of classic flu season in UK……many many people have been good sheep and been masked most of the year and have not socialised much, staying in doors etc….they have not taken in the normal bugs they would have caught, leading a normal life, so have become very susceptible to any new bug.

More than like a typical flu bug has turned up, or bat clap has mutated into the new bug and with the population v susceptible, is running riot…our wonderful government being Gates’ bitches are making this into a new panic…..they all deserve lamposting.

Maya @20:49

Posted by commish @ 5:27 on December 21, 2020  

Wondering about if the Black Hats who control the weather might dial in a major snow storm in Washington DC on January 6th to curb the turnout.

scum have woken up and are making sure PM’s cannot be a the safe haven

Posted by Maddog @ 5:20 on December 21, 2020  

V strong kamikaze type selling hit @ 9.45 am London time and has kept up for last half hour plus……silver is now back sub $ 26 .00

Latin America

Posted by goldielocks @ 1:29 on December 21, 2020  

Ivermectin so popular they can’t find enough people to study it or do trials because everybody’s already taking it.
Why aren’t they doing it here?

Except for over doses or people with issues with the BBB least were not hearing a bunch of people are dying from it.
Don’t accept cookies on this just scroll if you read it.


Mutated virus

Posted by goldielocks @ 1:04 on December 21, 2020  

Ask: “Has the virus’s behaviour changed?”
A mutated virus sounds instinctively scary, but to mutate and change is what viruses do.
Most of the time it is either a meaningless tweak or the virus alters itself in such a way that it gets worse at infecting us and the new variant just dies out.
Occasionally it hits on a new winning formula.
There is no clear-cut evidence the new variant of coronavirus – which has been detected in south-east England – is able to transmit more easily, cause more serious symptoms or render the vaccine useless.
However, there are two reasons scientists are keeping a close eye on it.

* ‘New variant’ of coronavirus identified in England
* Mutated coronavirus may ‘jump back and forth’
* Bogus reports, accidental finds – the Oxford vaccine story
The first is that levels of the variant are higher in places where cases are higher.
It is a warning sign, although it can be interpreted in two ways.

The virus could have mutated to spread more easily and is causing more infections.
But variants can also get a lucky break by infecting the right people at the right time. One explanation for the spread of the “Spanish strain” over the summer was simply people catching it on holiday and then bringing it home.
It will take experiments in the laboratory to figure out if this variant really is a better spreader than all the others.
The other issue that is raising scientific eyebrows is how the virus has mutated.
“It has a surprisingly large number of mutations, more than we would expect, and a few look interesting,” Prof Nick Loman from the COVID-19 Genomics UK (COG-UK) Consortium told me.
There are two notable sets of mutation – and I apologise for their hideous names.
Both are found in the crucial spike protein, which is the key the virus uses to unlock the doorway into our body’s cells in order to hijack them.

Don’t want to waist space.. more


The virus mutating watch out UK

Posted by goldielocks @ 0:50 on December 21, 2020  

Will this be the reason they’ll say the vaccine didn’t work or the cause of the mutation. Just sayin.


Posted by goldielocks @ 0:30 on December 21, 2020  

Silver 27? I’m glad I picked up some pre 65s before this jump anyways. Wonder what the catalyst is? I haven’t had time to focus on it. Maybe a break from the downturn after the upturn that was probably just technical or is Bitcoin getting too expensive lol

Richard and Maya

Posted by goldielocks @ 0:05 on December 21, 2020  

I’ve been looking up a few things just incase.
I found one lady that had issues taking 12 mg of Ivermectin everyday. It managed to cross her BBB “ blood brain barrier on what they considered toxic levels. She was taking it for Scabies. The scabies were gone but still had the itching so started taking it every day thinking it was still there. She was hospitalized but recovered at least.
Two doctors differ on how much. One everyday for 5 days the other once then 3 days then no more for a month. I’d go with that or just once a month.

Plus the quercetin which is good stuff for all sorts of reasons including the brain but it can cross the BBB so I don’t know if I’d take it with the Ivermectin till I look into it more. Can it aid the Ivermectin to join it? Probably not but don’t know. I guess they wouldn’t put in in their protocol if it did.

Silver up 3.12% Gold Palladium also Up Tonight

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 22:30 on December 20, 2020  

If it carries over to tomorrow, CDE AG HL and SBSW and others should do good.

Richard 18:28

Posted by goldielocks @ 21:02 on December 20, 2020  

Can’t talk too much again on quick break, but on the link it shows higher doses.
Still point is here on the link

In mild, moderate and severe COVID-19 patients there was improvement in lymphocyte count, CRP, ferritin, d-dimer and RT-PCR conversion days in Ivermectin group compared to hydroxychloroquine group after one week of treatment

They’re looking for the inflammation process, cytokine storm ie CRP FERRITIN.
Still pay attention to contradictions. Stop virus stop the storm.

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 20:52 on December 20, 2020  


Double Steam


commish @ 19:42

Posted by Maya @ 20:49 on December 20, 2020  

One last, great HOPE!?   We’ve had so many disappointments in the past year…

Richard640 @ 18:28 – I’ve got mine!

Posted by Maya @ 20:45 on December 20, 2020  

This is essentially what Dr. Malik was raging about in the videos that Goldi posted.  He has all the data and showed it to everybody, with minimal response or action.

I am reminded of George Ure’s saying (Urbansurvival.com) that:  “Everything is a Business Model”

This is also true of ‘Medicine’… it’s a business.  Buyer beware.  Thankfully, we can share information and learn to take care of ourselves.  Woe unto those dummies who don’t want to.

Hmm metals up nicely

Posted by Buygold @ 20:37 on December 20, 2020  

Dollar up too. Go figure.

redneckokie1 @ 17:56

Posted by ipso facto @ 20:10 on December 20, 2020  

“$30 silver” Sounds fine to me! From your lips to God’s ears.

Who was the poster that always used to say that. Seems like centuries ago.


drb2 @ 17:51

Posted by ipso facto @ 20:08 on December 20, 2020  

Interesting! We could sure use someone of Franklin’s caliber today.

If the colonists had continued using their own issue of paper money eventually it’s value would have been inflated away … just like every other paper currency which has ever existed.


Wild Protest January 6th in DC

Posted by commish @ 19:42 on December 20, 2020  


A follow up posting from last nights posting by Thomas Wickor

Calling Goldi and Maya: stat emergency!

Posted by Richard640 @ 18:28 on December 20, 2020  
At the same time the US is doing the worst job out of any country in the world managing Covid.  Simply terrible.  Awful.
Of course, as you probably know, I respect the hell out of Covid, but I don’t fear it any more than I fear the flu.
Because of Ivermectin, which has been overwhelmingly demonstrated to all but entirely block the transmission of the SARS2 virus as well as prevent the development of serious cases of Covid the disease.
Nobody at the NIH is interested in this data for some reason.  Fauci doesn’t care or want to hear about it.   All the US medical establishment wants is a vaccine.
That’s fine to an extent, but what about all the lives lost and ruined while we wait?  Is there no accounting for them?  How awful of the national health managers that they should not care about the most vulnerable, the weak, and the elderly.  At all.



DECEMBER 16, 2020

COVID-19 Update: Ivermectin

Ivermectin is an interesting medication that had fallen off my radar until recently.  It is an anti-parasitic medication, with potential anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory properties against SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19. In this post we will review some of the current evidence in using Ivermectin as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent in COVID-19.

Clinical Question: Does Ivermectin demonstrate efficacy in prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19?

In Vitro Evidence [2]

  • Cells infected with SARS-CoV-2 RNA
  • Added Ivermectin or nothing (control) to cells and analyzed RT-PCR for replication of SARS-CoV-2 RNA at days 0 to 3
  • 24h = 93% reduction in viral RNA present
  • 48h = 99.8% reduction in viral RNA present
  • By 48hrs there was an ≈5000-fold reduction in viral RNA in Ivermectin treated cells compared to control samples
  • With a single dose of Ivermectin viral replication was controlled effectively eliminating all viral material by 48hrs
  • No toxicity observed at anytime
  • Proposed anti-viral mechanism of action

Comex silver

Posted by redneckokie1 @ 17:56 on December 20, 2020  

Silver appears to have broken out to the upside. It might go back and text support but it looks like $30.00 near term.


@Ipso; Capt. Hook – RE: “…you always come to the battle for control of money creation. A Certain privileged few have access to low or no cost money which is created from thin air”

Posted by drb2 @ 17:51 on December 20, 2020  

Saw the below Ben Franklin quotes elsewhere and I think it applies to your discussion.

This is a fight that has been going on for centuries, but we sure don’t learn about it in school.

This fact doesn’t get 1% of the publicity that the Tea Tax got.   Not hard to imagine why not.



comment by MadelynMarie

I actually think we are fighting the same banking families today that we were fighting during the American Revolution (central bankers out of City of London control British Empire).


[snip]……During a visit to Britain in 1763, The Bank of England asked Benjamin Franklin how he would account for the new found prosperity in the colonies. Franklin replied.

“That is simple. In the colonies we issue our own money. It is called Colonial Script. We issue it in proper proportion to the demands of trade and industry to make the products pass easily from the producers to the consumers.  In this manner, creating for ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power, and we have no interest to pay to no one.”

America had learned that the people’s confidence in the currency was all they needed, and they could be free of borrowing debts. That would mean being free of the Bank of England.

In Response the world’s most powerful independent bank used its influence on the British parliament to press for the passing of the Currency Act of 1764. This act made it illegal for the colonies to print their own money, and forced them to pay all future taxes to Britain in silver or gold.

Here is what Franklin said after that.

“In one year, the conditions were so reversed that the era of prosperity ended, and a depression set in, to such an extent that the streets of the Colonies were filled with unemployed.”

“The colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been that England took away from the colonies their money, which created unemployment and dissatisfaction. The inability of the colonists to get power to issue their own money permanently out of the hands of George III and the international bankers was the PRIME reason for the Revolutionary War.”

  • Benjamin Franklin’s autobiography

Sng 12:06

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:38 on December 20, 2020  

She’s apparently okay

Buygold 15:12

Posted by goldielocks @ 17:35 on December 20, 2020  

Except one surprising statement. Musk says humans must merge with machines instead of the other way around.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.