OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Sorry Folks, but ya just gotta love Musk – he’s a total dick but doesn’t play by the Gov’t. rules. That’s why I like him…

Posted by Buygold @ 15:12 on December 20, 2020  

Elon Musk Tweets Obscene Meme Of Naked Woman’s Ass Covered By Bitcoin Logo

teaser image

In keeping with the classy “tone at the top” of his now $600 billion organization…

Captain Hook

Posted by ipso facto @ 13:26 on December 20, 2020  

Yep when you dig down far enough you always come to the battle for control of money creation. A Certain privileged few have access to low or no cost money which is created from thin air.

We had a much more egalitarian system under the gold standard.



What Does Media Faith Promise Believers? Climate Crisis Hacks etc.

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 13:15 on December 20, 2020  


Liberal extremists males who believe in everything the mass media says, (guns kill people) expect rewards in the afterlife, as specified by the ruling class. According to the religious text of hapless hopeless liberals, girliemen democrat martyrs will receive 72 virgin maidens in paradise as a reward for their sacrifice.

But what about female leftests? That believe humans are changing the rotation of the earth, and encroaching on animal lands? What is promised to them in the afterlife?

According to there Media gospel, female media/believer martyrs can expect to find their husbands in paradise. A woman will be able to choose the best one as her eternal spouse in the afterlife.

Believing that plastic bags, guns and hunters and straws are a disaster, will make female martyrs beautiful and happy, and satisfied to be with only one girly/man. Additionally, their earthly devotion to the deep state will make them superior to the virgin maidens in heaven, and thus their husband’s affections will never stray.



ipso facto @ 11:42

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:53 on December 20, 2020  

The CDC and other Medical Mafia appendages charged with rolling out and maintaining (lying) the COVID Hoax will never give the public the true story. Independent authorities on the subject estimate for every million vaccinated up to 20k will die and 200k will get very sick including autoimmune disorders and cancer. I will fall over if the CDC ever publishes any numbers like that if true.

Because it’s all about maintaining the status quo – it’s all about Goldman and the bankers getting their ever increasing bonuses.

It’s all about maintaining control of the money. That’s really what it’s all about – it’s about the bankers maintaining control of the money — just like Nathan Meyer Rothschild exclaimed all those years ago.

That’s what the Global Reset is all about and that’s why the COVID Hoax was perpetuated — to enable the control to roll out the Global Reset. And if the COVID Hoax is allowed to run into the summer the reset will be successful and we are all F’ed. (Because too many people will be broke and will accept the socialism/communism.)

And it doesn’t look good because Trump the chump figures his strategy will be to outwork the crooks in the Georgia runoff and let them count the votes again.

I hope he wakes up soon.

Cheers all.

Catherine Austin Fits provides a good interview on  USA Watchdog this week. She gets it. Small Is Beautiful. The real power of the people starts at the local level so stop supporting central planning as they will always sell you out. Buy local. Organize locally. Keep the money and power local.

Ah Ipso- Good statement!

Posted by Buygold @ 12:49 on December 20, 2020  

“Mutually assured destruction”

Let’s hope that also applies in the Cyber arena. I have no clue but would like to think so, especially with some of the media freaking out over it.


Maybe their media lied, and in realty, there were no hacks, how do we know?

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:07 on December 20, 2020  

Because “they” said so? We can’t take anything for granted that “they” say. Pretty much everything in the news IMO is for psychological purposes, global central intelligence?

By looking at the past the intelligence or common sense is lacking or simply biased. Their media can alter or create a public consensus in one to two weeks.

Similar to the terrorists thinking there are 14 virgins waiting for them. 🙂

If you’re standing in line for the next Darwin Award, better read this

Posted by silverngold @ 12:06 on December 20, 2020  


The nurse is dead, allegedly

Anonymous Conservative provides evidence that that poor nurse who fainted on camera after receiving the Covid “vaccine” actually died from a reaction to it.

Remember that nurse who they trotted out in front of the cameras after she got the vaccine, she got light headed, keeled over right on camera, and then the camera cut out as doctors crammed around her lifeless body? Official local news media reported social media posts turned up which seemed to indicate she had died, but the family didn’t want anybody talking about it because they were threatened. 4Chan began to look into it, and based off death records, they think her body was shipped back to her hometown to be quietly put on the death records there. /pol has noted, her friends and family plus nurses are ignoring all the Instagram comments asking if she’s okay, she usually posts every 2-3 days and it’s been like a week since she posted on Instagram, there was a post up on the hospital page for FB saying she was feeling better and now they took it down, someone made a new channel to pretend she’s alive while leaving her old channel alone, and a friend posted a picture of the two of them together, but /pol noticed the picture was part of a set from a while back, and not recent.

First, /pol/ is always right. Second, the death notice is real, based on the county records.

Tiffany Pontes Dover

Age: 30

Location: Higdon, AL

Death Report: Done

Data Source: De Kalb County Death Records 

Third, I have personally witnessed a vaccine reaction that caused a child to immediately slump unconscious and heard the administering doctor say “oh, shit!” in obvious alarm. You will never, ever, convince me that vaccines are entirely safe; they are not and they will never be. FFS, even peanuts and eggs and penicillin are not entirely safe for everyone, so anyone who claims that vaccines are is lying.

Only an idiot or someone over the age of 70 will even consider taking one of these vaccines.

Note that this wouldn’t be the first time that people were literally dropping dead after being injected with a vaccine:

I heard that seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated. This was in an army camp, so I wrote to the Government for verification. They sent me the report of U.S. Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson. The report not only verified the report of the seven who dropped dead from the vaccines, but it stated that there had been 63 deaths and 28,585 cases of hepatitis as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine during only 6 months of the war.


There will be a conjunction over the next few days. Cool pic

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:49 on December 20, 2020  


I think we all know this. DON’T EVER GIVE UP!

Posted by silverngold @ 11:47 on December 20, 2020  


Tip of the Iceberg?

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:42 on December 20, 2020  

CDC Issues New Guidelines, Launches Probe After 1000s Negatively-Affected Following COVID-19 Vaccination


Zim cedes controlling stake in gold refinery to private miners

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:35 on December 20, 2020  


Buygold @ 9:06

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:33 on December 20, 2020  

Too bad that it’s so hard to determine the country of origin for hacking attacks.

Like you say China and Iran have the biggest motive for hacking us … although of course every major nation does internet spying.

Thanks God there are not many deliberate attacks on electrical stations or nuke plants. There seems to be some unwritten agreement about this. Mutually Assured Internet Destruction!


@buygold 9:06 The Media Blame Game

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 10:37 on December 20, 2020  

I’ve noticed over the decades, the govt  media tends to bring attention to the wrong direction.

It would not make sense to give quality high value info for free. You get what you pay for. The free info is worth exactly that, free.

In fact, it’s cheaper than free. It has negative value, costly. You could even consider everything they report is more like some special interests full page advertisements.

Good one from Bill Binney NSA Whistle Blower – Biden win not statistically possible

Posted by Buygold @ 9:51 on December 20, 2020  

The 2020 election will go down as the most corrupt US election in history.

The US election was corrupted in so many ways.


Bill Binney, of US Intel fame tweeted out a message yesterday noting that more people voted in the 2020 election nation-wide than were eligible to vote.


REVEALED: ‘Simple Math’ Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted in 2020 Election

Morning Ipso

Posted by Buygold @ 9:06 on December 20, 2020  

I find it hard to blame Russia for the hacks as well – Trump doesn’t, although Pompeo does. I like Pompeo, I’m just not sure what he sees that Trump doesn’t.

China and Iran have the greatest motive, they’ve been hurt the most by Trump policies, although so has Russia.

It’s really hard to believe anything coming out of the Gov’t. which I guess is all “deep state” at this point. They seem to have taken over the Gov’t., elections, etc.

Morning Pict

Posted by Buygold @ 8:49 on December 20, 2020  

Thanks for the head’s up.

You’d think I’d know that given I do projects for the various labs around the country for a living, although I know very little about their inner workings. I do know they are huge on Cyber Security FWIW.

Still not so good that the rest of the plants as you mention are hooked up to the net. Imagine the chaos of the US without power for about a week. Craziness.

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 1:51 on December 20, 2020  


Commuter gold



Posted by treefrog @ 22:37 on December 19, 2020  

those ivermectin dosages ( 150-200 mcg/kg ) you referenced a day or so ago, was that PO? SQ? IM?  other?

i have ivermectin injectable for cattle/swine.  1% sterile solution.  (1 ml = 10 mg )

i have used it PO for internal and external parasites in dogs for years.   one ml/100 lb of dog, monthly – no fleas, no ticks, no worms, no hassle.

copper production and use is integral to the global economy??

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 22:10 on December 19, 2020  

We have been told all our lives, that higher Copper describes a booming economy and low copper prices a slow global economy. They NEVER say a lower dollar causes higher copper prices. Look at the charts. 2018 Dollar down Copper high. In early 2020 the dollar dropped and copper went up with a crashing economy no less.

Arrested for Playing Hockey Outside in Alberta. 4 minutes you need to see the ridiculousness of this lockdown bullshit

Posted by silverngold @ 20:57 on December 19, 2020  



Posted by Maya @ 20:49 on December 19, 2020  

Thanks for the links.  Will study them later.

Papa is NOT on anticoagulants, and aspirin is contraindicated for him also.  He fell and struck his head a year or two back and had a hematoma in his head.  Kept his blood pressure low and it resolved slowly with no intervention.  But the Docs do not want any blood thinners for him.  Just beta blocker and calcium channel blocker to control his afib.   Metoprolol and Valapril.   And his pacemaker.

No caffeine and limited sugar, which seemed to trigger his afib if he ate too much sweets.  He’s had fewer and shorter afib episodes on this regimen since the pacemaker was installed.

Oh, yeah… I have a high-output Ozone generator box that I run for a few hours when we leave the house.  Sterilizes everything.  Then ya gotta vent the smell out, and it lingers a bit.  But small ozone exposure is mildly irritating but not harmful.  Nice to know your air is sterile, at least.


Posted by goldielocks @ 18:25 on December 19, 2020  

Check to be sure PAPA is not on anticoagulants like Coumadin.
If he’s getting regular INR tests which is to check the normal coagulation pathway.
It’s normally lower for people not taking anticoagulants but higher for people taking them for therapeutic reasons.
You’ll see in this PRD below one incidence of a man who developed a clot mixing Ivermectin with anticoagulant Coumadin. I’m aware of that story and had a very large clot under his tongue that pushed his tongue to the top of his mouth. He was hospitalized and given the antidote vita K BUT his INR was through the roof and could of bleed out anywhere in his body. He was only taking 3 mg of Ivermectin.
Perhaps see if you can talk to the doctor if it would be safe to take it because he wants to take it for a prophylactic and if any contradictions with his medications
or heart. You can leave a message but make sure a receptionist gets it clear and thorough first he may need time to check,
He can take for now the C , zinc, D3 ect including melatonin slow release at night. They mentioned it helps prevent getting it. The D does to and increases survival if you get it.
Also you guys can order a air filter for his living room and room. They have some with safer doses of UV just put away from him.
If got one running at home. They needed to put them out in all these nursing homes right away because it could spread through vents maybe plus have a isolation hall and trained the nurses how to treat and what to look for. They should of been doing regular every shift and as needed pulse ox on their oxygen and pre treating but they didn’t. Here’s two links.
For Maya
Ivermectin pdr side effects indications the second on protocol Moggy found after talking about it to her. I’ll talk a little about two of them I that one. Ask the doctor if there is any compromise to his Blood Brain Barrier. Important question. Don’t have time to talk about that right now.


Protocol Covid


Battle Damage Assessment

Posted by commish @ 17:41 on December 19, 2020  


Latest from Thomas Wictor

The Hack did NOT include classified data or systems

Posted by Maya @ 16:49 on December 19, 2020  

The government and .mil has an isolated, secure intra-net for high security stuff.  It is not connected to the public internet.  The hack was among the unclassified areas of routine business.  Still… it compromised personal data of government employees from their personnel records.

This should lighten your day.

Posted by silverngold @ 16:12 on December 19, 2020  

My Apology Video To Facebook


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.