GoldTent Oasis is dedicated to our friend and founder John F. Murphy (Wanka) of Key West, Florida without whom this website would not exist. Gone but never forgotten.
ENTER ~ Post by the Golden Rule. Gentlemanly conduct is the attire of the day. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts DYODD. ~~~~~~~
When “Smart” Homes Turn Stupid: Google Users Literally “Left In The Dark” During Monday Outage
By now, Monday’s massive Google outage is history for most people. While it was a minor inconvenience for some, with most Google services being down for hours on end, it was a much larger pain in the electronic ass for the tragically hip who have surrendered their “smart” homes to Google.
In fact, of the services that went down, it was Google Home users who were literally left in the dark during the outage on Monday, RT notes. As a result, “smart home” users were complaining about not being able to perform once-simple tasks at their homes – like turning on the lights.
“I’m sitting here in the dark in my toddler’s room because the light is controlled by @Google Drive Home. Rethinking… a lot right now,” one Twitter user tweeted in the midst of the “blackout”. Another user from the U.K. said that connecting his lights to Google Home now “feels like a fatal error.”
Karora Announces 334% Increase in Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves to 1.33 Million Ounces and 167% Increase in Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources to 2.52 Million Ounces
It sure ticks me off that they blocked the use of Hydroxychloroquine for political and economic reasons … because Trump supported it and because it is very cheap and the vaccine makers would make less money.
If anyone still thinks that the PTB are looking out for them then they are a fool!
BioNTech trials and three people in the Moderna trials developed Bell’s palsy, a condition that causes temporary weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles.
According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms of Bell’s palsy may include rapid onset of mild weakness to total paralysis on one side of the face, facial droop, pain around the jaw or behind the ear, increased sensitivity to sound, headache, a loss of taste and changes in the amount of tears and saliva produced.
But Geraci says most of his patients experience mild to moderate symptoms. That could include numbness or tingling to the tongue, or maybe an off-kilter smile or less blinking in one eye than the other.
He said it’s important the public understands Bell’s palsy is just a “bogeyman side effect” and shouldn’t prevent someone from getting the COVID-19 vaccine.
“It’s a cautionary tale that should not mitigate the larger good that both individuals and society are going to derive from all of these vaccines,” Geraci said.
comment: My friends wife developed a droopy face and it was a brain cancer tumor. Two other people I knew that were always on the phone got tumors. I always use speaker phone since they came out with wireless land lines.
I think the feds huge increase in money supply is a futile attempt to over ride the huge evaporation of money supply in the over all economy.
The Fed Res or US government should do eminent domain on all businesses that can’t operate. In other words they should buy out those businesses and the owners retire very happy or start another business.
Then do eminent domain on the useless commercial real estate and let the land lords retire happy. On top of that, do eminent domain on employee lives with fat buyouts and let them retire happy. Then they can relax while they decide what they want to do.
Maybe try to get a high paid civil service job. Also naturally put them on Social Security and Medicare, at any age as nice retirement plan. I heard about an upper level cop retired on like $12,000 a month.
In other words the swamp creatures created this mess creating a one world country, and they should pay for it. And instead of social people distancing promote nation or country distancing, and put an end to this silly global community.
The increase in the U.S. money supply in the past two weeks is absolutely shocking. Something must be seriously wrong behind the scenes at the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve for the M1 Money Supply to increase more in the past two weeks than it did in six weeks during the beginning of the pandemic shutdowns in late March.
The FRED – St. Louis Federal Reserve just updated their M1 Money Supply figures showing another increase of $312 billion, on top of the $498 billion added the week prior. So, the total increase in the U.S. M1 Money Supply for Nov 16th to Nov 30th is a shocking $809 billion. Compare that to the $388 billion increase from Mar 16th to Mar 30th when the pandemic shutdowns first began.
Do you know how much $810 billion equals? That turns out to be four years of global gold mine supply totaling 440 million or 40 years of global silver mine supply of 32 billion oz. This is beyond stunning to see this much of an increase without any news release by the U.S. Treasury or Federal Reserve.
Posted by goldielocks
@ 21:55 on December 15, 2020
I agree to a point. You can be a criminal not have a high IQ like Hunter Biden and make a lot of money doing nothing. Although aside from criminals and lazy people like Hunter appears to be most really work for theirs. But you can’t be a Doctor or other important things without it. It depends on your focus in life I guess. Some want to make it a better place some just out to make it rich some might be a mixture snd so forth. IQ helps but depending not always necessary to make money.
Posted by goldielocks
@ 21:47 on December 15, 2020
I never worked in it. Grew up around it but never learned it and steel as well. It was considered a mans job probably still is predominantly but got more technical over time.
Must be cheap places he’s getting work from. I remember my mother got a all expense paid trip to Japan back in the 80s to do some business had to do with airplanes.
Hope things work out for your friend. Smoking had nothing to do with IQ probably even have more of a potential like busy type A ers whatever until people started learning how bad it was for you.
Posted by goldielocks
@ 21:36 on December 15, 2020
Now that the vaccines coming out they do but hydroxy only helps in beginning symptoms. I’m sold now on the Ivermectin.
If people got better they wouldn’t need the vaccine right. I did some Dd on Fauci and his partnership with Monderna or NIH and Monderna as well as influencing studies negating hydroxy. Plus they’re not any of the endorsing Ivermectin either for the same reason.
Here’s a good one with Dr Paul Merik and Dr Been. They go into the protocol with charts as well as what hospitals are doing comparison plus questions and answers in simple lay terms.
Dr Paul I mask plus protocol
Posted by ipso facto
@ 20:39 on December 15, 2020
American Medical Association Rescinds Hydroxychloroquine Prevention Order — How Many People Died Because These Soulless Hacks Wanted to Hurt Trump? So many more people could have lived! I have no words for what I want to call the people who BARRED this!
The CCP propaganda hacks are trying to rewrite science to insist on “Natural Origins” of the virus. Scientists who insist it was not possible are being squelched.
Never Forget…. this is an ‘engineered for gain-of-function’ virus, as written about by Chinese virologists.
I took a free IQ test on the computer and it was easy, I breezed right thru it, multiple little drawings of squares with lines going thru etc, actually related to my occupation, comparing things, but when they wanted $29.95 to see my score and get a document, I stopped.
I’m thinking if the hi IQ came from birth genes or schooling, then no common sense. If working first, making building creating things and doing things, that I think that gleans both at the same time maybe. Pretty much any high skilled tradesmen have common sense or they would fail.
Hi, thanks for the input. Interesting. Precision sheet metal in prototype or short run is a head ache. Material thickness .002 to .250 plate and thicker. One time I was bending up 1″ thick. Parts no bigger than 1 inch to 5 feet. Every different material too. Re my friend? George that owned a factory? He married a doctor. I hope she was fronting him to start again. But then again, assuming he got paid for jobs and didn’t pay expenses, he should be ok. But he smokes constantly.
@Ororeef? You too, thanks for the input. Re “go Figure”? I figure a lot of college courses are just consumer products. Especially this Sociology Courses I heard about not that long ago. Totally useless waste of money. I think the kids are just taught to be polite and understanding to minorities and trust and believe what ever the media says. I heard they starting it in high school??
I ‘opted out’ of freshman year of college when I figured out I could do just fine without all the student debt for a piece of paper. Except for a brief stint in the Army, I have never taken a government paycheck. I survived on my common sense, and wits, in the private high tech sector. I have learned that my IQ allowed me to figure out things faster and better than those around me. I always thought I had much more common sense than most people, but it was aided by my IQ, I am sure.
I have 4 chldren with high IQ– 2 boys 2 girls.of the boys 1 has PHD in Physics,his younger bro is computer security with SAP specialist with no degree and makes more money than his PHD brother .
Of the girls older one has A DEGREE ,but is always trying to please other people so she makes less money than her younger sister.The younger sister dont take no shit from nobody has no degree and is very wealthy . so IQ is not the determining factor,neither is a degree. Go figure !
Posted by goldielocks
@ 14:45 on December 15, 2020
So that kind of work sheet metal people having trouble with?
My half brother inherited his dads businesses. I don’t think he wanted to he wanted to be a Doctor or dentist but learned the skills. In times like this he’s be better off in health care but risky.
They got business “ precision sheet metal” from all over including military like the Navy and out of the country with our ally’s as my step father X military pro military type. Would chose a veteran first if he/ she had the skills.
Things are gonna get tough those. California is hosting to businesses as your NY. I guess Oracle left for Texas too.Too many incompetent and now communists in office here. His grandfather was a Texan we grew up starting young shooting guns and he was a natural. Fast as lighting and accurate since a young kid. I don’t know if he shoots or hunts anymore though. He’d do fine in Texas as long as you can deal with the hurricanes and tornadoes and thus as someone there said no trees.
Sometimes you have to move and if you don’t look outside that area. Hope your friend survives.
Technically is been turned into a Federal Reserve Note DBA as US Dollar. I said long ago, “The “Note” is Their Tool, To Play Dirty Pool”. Take notice chart patterns after Y2K, Dot com bust, and 9/11/01. Their system is thrown off stride.
Seen here.yr 2000, The End Of A Ridiculously long 20 Year deflation in Commodities. Because the anti American Robin Hood bozo global academia, bankers, created a 20 year LONG STRONG DOLLAR policy
to help innocent Americans get cheaper prices, to encourage import of foreign made goods, INCLUDING ENERGY, and make the rest of the socialist world GREAT AGAIN. Unfortunately, the innocent consumers exported money, now they really need to make America great again if they want more hand out later.