Gold at $25 an oz in 2000? 🙂
Gold at $25 an oz in 2000? 🙂
There are some related also like ammo and other accessories. Guns and Ammo are selling off the charts. Big jump in pistol permit applications around here.
Smith & Wesson
Ruger Smith & Wesson
Vista Outdoor
Thank You Arnold
I stopped working around 2000, because I knew commodities especially metals, were too cheap, Gold at $250/oz, and dopey/dollar was too high at 120, and had a good run to 2012-13. Rocky ride afterward. Plus all the few companies I free lanced for were closing down. Just one still open with gov’t jobs. I used to visit an old employer up until recently.
George, originally Lindy Sheet Metal, he went bankrupt at least 3-4 times different company names. He always quoted low to get work in, then couldn’t pay suppliers or laser machinery payments. They recently repossessed his main machine. He was always trying to make me come back to work.
I’m sure the owner regretted letting you go. Experience can be under rated.
Good for you on starting your own business!
Also did some bottom fishing and bought Wallbridge Mining. WLBMF
Sold BONXF. Good riddance.
I saw a lot of business start ups in my life. And what made it possible, was the very high purchasing power of entry level wages. The starter wages were so high, you could build up your savings while gaining experience at the occupation.
Then after five years or so, start setting up your own business, and then you give the boss a two week notice. Some people I knew did both at the same time. Did their side business part time.
You needed a reserve of funds because sometimes you had to wait 30-60-90 days to get paid. I’ve see at LEAST ten men I used to work with start up in garages and basements. I’ll never forget when I was punching a time card, I the boss gave me a job,
Titanium sheet metal, 30 small complicated boxes, that took me one month, 4 weeks, and the company got 5, that’s right, FIVE years of my salary for one month work. Naturally I was one of the 10 to start up in my garage.
If the owner didn’t have so much suborn pride, to surrender, and raise my pay, I would have stayed. Everybody that quit in those days was always replaced by less experienced help. Employers started getting stingy after 1975 as our anti American gov’t was giving away manufacturing jobs.
I never pulled the trigger because I am a big dummy.
Novo Identifies Numerous Oxide Targets for Follow Up in 2021 at Its Newly Consolidated Nullagine Gold Project
It’ll be like “Atlas Shrugged.” Yeah who wants to work their ass off when the taxman might as well be called the Ax Man. What do people think powers the economy anyway? It’s the small entrepreneur who risks his fortune and works ridiculous hours. Without this we may as well live in the Soviet Union.
Fearless prediction … If Joe Biden lives through his term by the end of it he will be thoroughly hated!
That was smart of NOVO to get that position in New Found. NFGFF has been on a tear. I don’t know a whole lot about NOVO but that’s a nice bonus if you buy them.
It along with the SM are going to be really tested by Biden and Co, the only thing that will keep the SM up now is the Rig and Stimulus packages, though they will work less and less… feeling is that now the cheats are running the show, only real tangible assets will be wanted, ones u can hold and bury….not some smart arses promise.
Trump got the country working, Bat Clap has kicked so much of that apart, without Trump to get it all going again, the economy has a real hard time.
Most of the hard working entrepreneur types will be Trump people, they are all being shafted. When it comes to putting the extra hours in, setting up a new Biz, they will say ‘eff it, I’m not helping those thieves, they’ll just piss my extra taxes away, anyway…..which in turn will knock that top 20 % off growth and that way recessions start.
For proof, look at how China has never had that super growth, since Xi said he was in for life and never will…..
The SM is priced all wrong here….can the Rig hold it up……I doubt it.
Try a search regarding The Problems Of Diversity. Open the link and read the whole story. Its time to be optimistic. All the bullshit is getting exposed little by little.
These can be seen as specific examples of the general phenomenon of ‘clever sillies’ whereby intelligent people with high levels of technical ability are seen (by the majority of the rest of the population) as having foolish ideas and behaviors outside the realm of their professional expertise. In short, it has often been observed that high IQ types are lacking in ‘common sense’–and especially when it comes to dealing with other human beings.
the highest IQ people which are not just lacking in common sense but perversely wrong. Hence the phenomenon of ‘political correctness’ (PC); whereby false and foolish ideas have come to dominate, and moralistically be enforced upon, the ruling elites of whole nations.
BIDEN claims to have “the first all female communications team…..”
Holy shit what are they going to do talk us to death ? They cant manage anything in Government so they are going to “explain” every problem away .Thats what democrats do now ! Trump has his own team of Fems to counter theirs.The founding FATHERS did it right ,so now everythings so screwed up by giving everybody a chance to GOVERN …the Females,the BLACKS ,the GAYS ,next the Latinos ,the CHINESE it begs the question whats the criteria for Governing ? WHAT ever happened to the most capable ? When do the midgets get a turn ? how about the mixed breed like Pocahantas from Massachusetts ,everybody will claim membership in a minority ! ITS all so stupid while the country is out of work ..Politicans need a cut in pay just like you ! They need to be recalled and prevented from staying on for more than 1 term ..The Founders set it up as a part time so everybody would return to the private sector .There should be NO Pensions for Politicians ,theres an incentive to return to private sector .Bribery should be a hanging offense with enforcement.
FORGET about the nice Country you HAD,it dont exist anymore .What are you going to do about it. ? SOLVE the Political problems first .
New Found Gold has been on a tear. An indirect way to own some NFGFF is to buy shares of Novo. I believe Novo owns 11 million shares of New Found Gold. It’s done absolutely nothing for their bottom line. Just thinking out loud…..
APMEX has been accepting BTC for Au/Ag for some time now. KITCO sells digital gold via Blockchain as well. How these companies hedge their inventories is beyond me. Yet Au remains close to its all time high. GL traders.
Gavin Newsom recall effort gains momentum: ‘It’s about the arrogance of power’
Wish I had more of this one.
On the bubblevision screen they are now giving a very frequent BTC quote … as if BTC were really important. They probably give the BTC quote 20 times for each gold quote. It’s not hard to see which one the PTB-NWO bastards prefer.
I hate being herded. It’s just not going to happen.
Bitcoin sure is killing Gold, all the young generation love it, they can buy fractions of it for pennies and then pay for things, with it, all on their beloved phones.
What they can’t do is sell it for real money, or it ain’t easy, they are very much encouraged to buy things with it, that way it all stays inside the system.
At some point they will find that it is worthless……when is the issue.
Westhaven Drills 5.50 Metres of 4.58 g/t Gold and 267.40 g/t Silver at the Newly Discovered FMN Zone at Shovelnose
Ely Gold Royalties Options Weepah Project, Walker Lane District, Nevada
New Found Announces Inclusion in the GDXJ
GR Silver Mining Reports Significant Drill Results at the Plomosas Silver Project:
I believe it was for a digital currency ETF or MF .
The statement made (paraphrased) in the ad was ” Digital money has REAL value , unlike gold !”
My thought was – wait until the grid goes down , and an EMP wipes all digital files , followed by real hunger as transportation fails .
If you can walk to a farm with a gram of gold or a ‘junk’ silver coin in your pocket , you will eat .
They can manipulate short term but not the end game.
Mount Hood Gold
Thanks Mr. Copper, I’ll check out your charts.
Maybe that’s what his purpose was doing nothing.
Barr resigns