OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

@ipso facto Re Your Question, Yes I Bought Small Amount of CCJ Unanium

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:03 on December 12, 2020  

I usually go in small with any stock incase I’m wrong. If it goes up 10%, I’ll double the shares and be up only 5% for padding, so if it drops 5% I’ll bail out even.    Nowadays I don’t think any commodities are over priced. Plus they are the most important things for society. Food fuel metal lumber etc.

Commodities, because they are so important, I believe, the gov’t has them priced in Dollars and on the futures market where they can prevent monopolies like they control Public Utilities and public transportation prices.

Sometimes their manipulation on one item, causes a distortion on another item. For example when they drove the dollar too low, Oil got too high, and the too high oil has caused too low oil and gasoline.

In my view the producers should get more and are worth more than the “middle man”. The producer takes the risk, invests all the money, and does all the work. The Middle Man does nothing just marks it up. The system’s values are all distorted and backwards.

Poor ole Egon…talking about the sky is falling again…

Posted by Richard640 @ 14:00 on December 12, 2020  


The Dow/Gold ratio is today 15. In 1980 it was 1 to 1. The ratio topped in 1999 and the long term trend is now down as the chart below shows.

The target for the ratio is 0.5 to 1. This means that the Dow will lose 97% against the Dow in coming years.

Few people believe this magnitude of decline is possible.

But remember the Dow in itself went down 90% from 1929 to 1932 and that it took 25 years before it recovered.

This time the situation is drastically worse both from a debt point of view and overvaluation of stocks. So 95%+ is not unrealistic.What does 'I'd gladly pay you Tuesday' mean? - Quora

Mr.Copper @ 13:00 on December 12, 2020

Posted by Ororeef @ 13:55 on December 12, 2020  

They are ripe for picking ..the stock market liberals  .Its all about POLITICS and WHO gets BLAMED  ..I wouldent want to be the NEXT President .The shit is going to hit the fan.World WIDE…  February will tell after inauguration is done.  Republicans MUST win in GEORGIA,so the Senate can block everything the DEMS want ,packing the Court,spending,giving everything FREE buying votes,immigration is dead when jobs go down the tube for the Middle Class they will have their revenge. !  payback is going to be HELL…..The SUPREME COURT already said they will apply the same rules to lawsuits against the Georgia election .They will refuse to hear any case brought against it.It is a MUST win or everything is lost we will be a communist country or a civil war will be the only answer left.and NOBODY wants that not even the Democrats or the Supreme Court .The Supreme Court does not want a packed Court.its not in their interest.

ALL elected politicians will be at risk of dieing ,just as PUTIN said when asked will the Russians  attack the United States. He said it’ll never happen “THEY ALL GOT GUNS ” .

ARE you ready ?Its all part of a STRATEGY to fix the remaining issues RAISE interest Rates will start it off …get ready.! The FED will do it because theres NO POLITICAL risk to them and who’s going to take on a woman FED CHAIR ,,.NOT women voters they all been co-opted .Everything is in place for the shit to hit the FAN and come out the other side still a Republic ….Remember the people have done it before .they chose a DEPRESSION instead of hyper inflation because history has shown HYPER inflation leads to DICTATORSHIP as in Germany but Depression left the GOVERNMENT INTACT in the US in the end ,,SO ill bet the FED wants to stay intact so raising RATES will be the only ANSWER left…watch the FED after the Inauguration,  itll be like going to a FUNERAL watching the DEMS DIE before it happens..


Posted by Mr.Copper @ 13:38 on December 12, 2020  

Less discretionary income. Retail sales and tax receipts (adjusted for inflation)  have been dropping for decades. Stores and malls have too many vacancies. Rents are too high. Less sales, less inventory, high retail rents, but CHEAPER industrial rents are now warehousing retail inventory. By the way, $1 out of ever $4 is on line spending. DON’T believe the crap that EVERYBODY is buying on line for the excuse of the empty stores. Its the under paid over worked working people taking them down. If this trend continues, even Amazon (a warehouse) will decline.

Because tax payer wages are too low, (adjusted for inflation) to cover or over ride or pay for the consumer & producer costs of unproductive costly environmental regulation related parts and labor job costs, then tax absorber profits on gov’t vendor contracts, and vendor employees, and gov’t employees themselves, town county state etc are too high, FORCING these communist bozo bankers to create money and Bond debt out of thin air and give it away.

FORCING them to keep rates way too low to keep their bubbles inflated.

FORCING them to over look people that stop paying mortgages for 6 years plus. I personally 4 of them. Encouraged to refinance paid off homes. And the lenders have to pay the insurance and property taxes and eat losses far bigger than the loan itself. They loan out $400k and end up losing $800k on the loan or commie gift?

Imo the working man today is “Rocky Balboa” and he finally had the right guy to vote for, Trump, and he exposed their propaganda press, media and voting system and other anti American rigs are getting exposed.

After what’s been going on, I’m beginning to think ALL the elections were rigged, because they always resulted in 8 year turns each one. Remember when Gore almost got in? A third democrat turn? Not allowed.

It could not be a coincidence every 8 years each gets a turn. Lets face it. It was a UNI-PARTY, nothing ever changed. They are all in the same “club”. We’ve seen photos of Bushs and Clintons all lovey dovey, and others.

Note: Fake unneeded artificially created expensive fake jobs (to over ride loss of manufacturing taxpayer jobs) have obviously turned out counter productive because they were too abundant.

This $26 $28? Trillian national debt I’m sure is causing some Fed Res stress.

@Captain Hook re 11:43

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 13:00 on December 12, 2020  

re Part of your link: ”

 “The Rothschilds and their cronies have unlimited wealth. They are bored with wealth. Now they want unlimited power.” 
I need to know where is their wealth stored? Stocks Bonds real estate? Well bon apatite to them. Gold? that makes sense. Or just the ability to create money out of this air? Then they can give it  away to people so they don’t kill each other? Or hold back money from the people so we kill each other for a can of beans.
Maybe if I read further the link I’ll find out. But I stopped when I saw part above. I know people with 1 2 and $5 million stock market accounts. Loaded with common normal high priced crap. And they add funds and or buy more on drops. And they swear they will never sell. They never sold in ’08 or any other drops. Just ran in and bought more TULIPS. 🙂
How much more damage to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA can these bozo bankers do since 1913?? Lets think POSITIVE. The ass holes have problems.

Silver Quarterly

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:51 on December 12, 2020  


Jonestown Amerika- The Vaccine is the Kool Aid

Posted by Captain Hook @ 11:43 on December 12, 2020  

See here

The Vaccine is the Kool Aid.

Stand up and say no.

Have a nice day.

Posted by Maya @ 2:14 on December 12, 2020

Posted by Buygold @ 11:13 on December 12, 2020  

Hey Maya,

No clue the cause of Covid, but I don’t have 5G either so for me I doubt that’s where I got it. Definitely get it from folks inside the household. My wife believes she got it from her church group and the other 3 of us in the house also got it a few days after.

My oldest son got it next, but was the first to recover and start doing better. I’m older and didn’t receive any treatment, i.e. Remdesivir, steroids, etc. so my recovery has been slower. My wife is the oldest, but did receive the “Trump treatment” and that seems to have sped up her recovery.

Anyhoo, origins? My take is that it was released from China at the behest of the Globalists at the direction of Soros and Lord Malloch Brown and their ilk. Not only did they need to get rid of Trump, they needed to stamp out populism around the west. God knows how many of these type of flu viruses they have to unleash around the globe that will make their cronies like Gates and Fauci, billions in vaccination money but more importantly maximum amounts of control over peoples lives.

Never let a crisis go to waste. Steal an election, steal governments. Control peoples lives.



If Soros is for it … I am against it. “Rule of Law” in this instance meant goodbye sovereignty for Hungary and Poland.

Posted by ipso facto @ 8:56 on December 12, 2020  

‘Merkel’s surrender & worst of all possible worlds’: Soros pens angry op-ed over Polish-Hungarian victory in EU budget talks

Hungary and Poland getting the EU to abandon its move to make Covid-19 relief conditional on ‘rule of law’ standards to control their policies has incensed international financier George Soros, who called it a German surrender.
The European Commission originally imposed “rule-of-law requirements” on member states for disbursing the pandemic recovery funds. The measure was seen as a method of pressure on Budapest and Warsaw, which have been at odds with Brussels over their laws on the media, the judiciary and LGBTQI+ rights, among other things. Hungary and Poland responded by threatening to veto the entire seven-year EU budget, prompting Brussels to back down.


WE can start the NEW YEAR

Posted by Ororeef @ 8:01 on December 12, 2020  

with a stock market “correction ” and there will be NO safe havens for money ,not BONDS ,NOT STOCKS,no new money coming in when nobody’s working ,deficits  everywhere unfunded Pensions will be cut back paper assets will take a haircut .   By February GOLD and Commodities will be the only place for money to go. The DOLLAR and paper assets will burn. China will be discredited and Democrats will have no one to bribe them ,it will all be toxic .   HAPPY NEW YEAR..?

Black lives matter ,Antifa, will get what the deserve their money will be cut off. DEMOCRATS will be blamed and done for ..they won the election and will wish they had not …be careful what you ask for ..you might get it  …NOT a good time to be in in charge !  a PYRRHIC  victory…



A BIDEN presidency will be short lived.

Posted by Ororeef @ 7:29 on December 12, 2020  

CORRUPTION expose’ will make it unable to gets its radial agenda through any legislature. It will be 4 years of charges and court cases lawyers ..It will be the most ineffective Presidency in history ..if he lives through it ..which I doubt …Whats good for the GOOSE is good for the Gander ,he will have NO right to COMPLAIN ,no “standing”…turnabout is FAIR play..Then we will see some real JAIL time using the same rules .FBI ,CIA will all be cleaned up and sweept up .Time to take the TRASH OUT.. FASTEN your seat BELT its going to be a bumpy ride.

Trump may lose the battle

Posted by Ororeef @ 7:13 on December 12, 2020  

but he will WIN the WAR ..Supreme court said Texas had no standing ,so Democrats will have no Standing when Georga election  is won by Republicans that prevents Democrats from PACKING the COURT.  Ill bet the Supreme COURT will refuse to hear that case also using the same rules that applied to TEXAS. They had better win that election by hook or by crook just like Democrats won the the Presidential ..so the Supreme Court can use the same rules .

Richard640 @ 6:24

Posted by ipso facto @ 7:12 on December 12, 2020  

Pretty damned disappointing decision that’s for sure!

The Demos have a mountain of screwy and destructive ideas on their platform.

Ipso–u r correct–I just got carried away what with the traiitorous & cowardly conduct of the conservative Supreme Court justices

Posted by Richard640 @ 6:24 on December 12, 2020  

Maya – It is my understanding , too , that 5G attenuation is spacially (distance) critical .

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 6:09 on December 12, 2020  

But it is also my understanding that the multitude (thousands) of Low Earth Orbit satellites Elon Musk has launched , and continues to launch , are to be part of a global 5G network . How would that be possible ?

silverngold @ 21:34 – Why I don’t believe 5G is causing the “Covid”

Posted by Maya @ 2:14 on December 12, 2020  

People are getting sick in areas with NO 5G coverage.  My Big Island here is a good example.  There is NO 5G on Hawaii Island.  Yet we have about a dozen new positive tests and sick people on this island daily.

I was a TV broadcast engineer for 40 years, and I did maintenance and repair on microwave links and high power broadcast transmitters.  I am well aware of the safety risks of Radio Frequency exposure.  I would not have a 5G phone and hold it against my head.  There are many new frequencies up in the microwave region that 5G uses for extreme bandwidth (speed) that I do not want close exposure to my brain.

That said, I do not think 5G towers at a distance pose a risk.  RF behaves like light intensity and follows the inverse-square law.  The signal intensity decreases as the square of the distance from the source.   So once you are a reasonable distance from the antenna, the RF does not have measurable effects on body tissue… it is just too weak.   It is the close-in, high power effects that can fry body tissue.

The alleged ‘correlation’ between 5G rollout and the Covid infection is bogus and unscientific in my opinion.

Richard640 @ 0:10

Posted by ipso facto @ 0:44 on December 12, 2020  

It is a well worthwhile article. The reason I post in snippets with a link is to avoid copyright issues. Posting whole articles can be what gets websites like ours shut down.


Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 0:23 on December 12, 2020  


Ventura Railway



Posted by treefrog @ 0:21 on December 12, 2020  

we do indeed live in interesting times – perhaps to become much more interesting.  keep your powder dry!!!

goldielocks @ 21:01

Posted by Maya @ 0:16 on December 12, 2020  

It makes perfect sense that the Aussie vaccine leaves a HIV positive test!  Remember the COVID-19 is an ‘engineered’ virus, and they used snips of HIV to form the surface binding proteins.  The vaccine attacks those HIV spikes.  The normal HIV testing also tests for these surface proteins, so I can see how the vaccine would screw with the HIV testing also.    Which opens up another question I have not heard yet….   How many recovered COVID patients will also now test postive for HIV??

Ipso–the rest of that Kunstler article needs to be posted–G*D!! I hope he’s right!!–” Expect also a mind-blowing raft of arrests of political celebrities on charges like treason.”

Posted by Richard640 @ 0:10 on December 12, 2020  



I would suppose, for instance, that Mr. Trump’s military intelligence allies saw, in real time on election night, all the packets of internet data that Dominion vote tabulation machines in the USA sent across the Atlantic to the Dominion server lodged in the CIA’s Frankfurt, Germany, cyberwarfare station. This, you understand, when those Dominion machines in the USA were forbidden by law to be connected to the Internet. If you’re a regular reader here, you will recall the recent report of a US Army special forces operation going into the Frankfurt CIA station directly after the election and seizing servers there. Assume that they underwent forensic dissection afterward. If you were President DJ Trump, would you suspect that the CIA might be playing dangerous games with you (and by extension, the nation)? Are you aware that China has a 75 percent investment stake in the holding company that now owns Dominion? Are there grounds to suppose that China somehow interfered in the election? With assistance from an eager Democratic Party and the CIA?


Would Mr. Trump, of all people, let such a thing stand? Especially considering the evidence that the putative “winner” of the election, Joe Biden, the kid from Scranton, PA, was up to his eyeballs, with the rest of his family, in Chinese funny-money? (Not to mention money from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, and other lands?) Note: information about this evidence gleaned from Hunter Biden’s forgotten laptop was deliberately suppressed in October by the major newspapers and cable news stations, with help from Facebook, Twitter, and Google, along with a claque of “fifty former and current intel officials” led John Brennan, who denounced the reports from The New York Post in a public letter as “Russian disinformation” — yet another seditious conspiracy among the swamplings.


Are you aware that in the weeks since the election there have been unusual movements of US military aircraft around the country, including C-130 “Hercules” troop carrier planes? And that the navy has two carrier groups out along the Pacific Coast and three strung along the Atlantic coast? That’s what I hear. Remember, the president cleaned house at the top of the Pentagon this fall, and probably not for nothing. Sounds like preparation for something… some extraordinary executive action to prevent the national security risk known as Joe Biden from being sworn-in as president — in the absence of anything else in a strictly constitutional way that would keep that from happening, like a Supreme Court decision that would order the rare passing on of the disputed 2020 election to the House of Representatives for resolution, with a strong statistical likelihood that the body would re-elect Mr. Trump.

These are the sorts of things I imagine the Supreme Court justices might be palavering about and weighing over their sherry in the comfortable back room of their august clubhouse. There is, of course, the likelihood that such a momentous decision to send the vote to the House would provoke a violent, batshit crazy response from the Democratic Party’s street warriors, BLM and Antifa — thus the C-130 flights perhaps deploying troops around the country. This time, expect the Black Blocs to get their asses kicked, and swiftly.—“Does it sound like a bad dream? Yeah, kind of does. But there it is.

Buygold, Goldielocks, ipso, anybody, everybody, it seems nobody wants to listen. That’s fine. Just go on the net and look some of this up yourself

Posted by silverngold @ 21:34 on December 11, 2020  

One of the first symptoms of 5G radiation poisoning is FATIGUE Buygold, because 5G #ucks with your oxygen, and that is why all the Covid-19 patients have lung issues. There are many more symptoms that are identical or very similar to the flu. Just “google” something like “5G and flu like symptoms” and/ or “5G and Covid-19”. You’ll open up a rabbit hole with no bottom, there is so much there to check out.

The map below is just a copy/paste to again try to get your attention to 5G in the US and the world. It will NOT enlarge but here’s the actual website with the live working map.   https://www.nperf.com/en/map/5g  Open the actual live map on another window, and using the “+/-” in the upper left corner of the map you can enlarge or shrink your view of this map as much as you want. Then placing your curser arrow or hand on the map and using your scroll wheel you can drag the map practically to your own house. Well at least close to the town or city where you live, to be able to see if you have 5G in any stage of development. I can tell you if you live in the USA, no matter what your local providers tell you, you do! If your flu seems to hang on very long, chances are it’s not the flu, or Covid-19 (if that really even exists) and instead you are dealing with a 5G radiation issue. If you ever once see this you can never unsee it! IMO Covid-19 is 5G radiations disguise and cover to allow them to get the entire system in place while they are preparing your “vaccine” for the new Reset system. They need 5G EVERYWHERE to make their digital system work.  I hope you’re waking up!!!






Posted by goldielocks @ 21:03 on December 11, 2020  

Well I guess all these people who mock at the election fraud will get what they ask for.

This is strange

Posted by goldielocks @ 21:01 on December 11, 2020  

I’ve heard transverse myelitis, Bell’s palsy but now false positive HIV test in Australia with the vaccine.


Posted by goldielocks @ 20:58 on December 11, 2020  

You don’t owe me anything right now. Hope you get the rest you need. If you get short of breath or breathing problems at this point don’t wait to see a doctor. Two people waited too long here.

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.