OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Mr Copper

Posted by goldielocks @ 14:41 on December 9, 2020  

I don’t think they care what car sales or any other business that deals in cash wants. They want to eliminate you owning businesses too. They want to track every dime you have including the child selling lemonade or shoveling snow.
A lot of people in financials are aware of what their up to. There are non elected people world wide planning your totalitarian serfdom. K Schwab a now self described scientist pushing a reset based on climate change even using this virus and more. They they want your money your house your businesses and your freedom.
Armstrong has numerous posts on it too.

JPMorgan Says Gold Will Suffer for Years Because of Bitcoin

Posted by Captain Hook @ 14:30 on December 9, 2020  

See here

Do you think this headline has anything to do with the fact Comex gold deliveries are already 60 tons this month?

See here

JPM and company are crapping themselves here.

In the end, that’s why the COVID hoax was rolled out.

Because their global Ponzi is done.

Stay long.

@Richie 13:25 re SnP Topping

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:04 on December 9, 2020  

It sounds like you are expecting a drop. Ya know I’ve getting that feeling, sensing it just watching the mining stocks recently and especially today. And you are confirming to me. That soon this stock market trend re Dow 15,000 to 30,000 is waiting for a reason excuse or spark to start a sell off.

Even today might be the final all time high day. An enormous amount of funny money supply profits have been created and just sitting there waiting for the spark. It isn’t just the Fed creating money out of this air.

P.S.  This chart shows the potential drops, like a clear warning of what could happen these days. That big drop was the virus. The uptrends were imo were over confidence that a vaccine was going to solve everything. But the virus is supposedly worse now.


Why is he still on the Intel Committee and why is he still a member of Congress?

Posted by Captain Hook @ 13:39 on December 9, 2020  

See here

Answer: What’s the problem? They are trying to install a Chinese agent as President.

Swalwell is a piker in comparison.


Notable option buy alert=the VXX Dec 18th 2020 $17.00 call option volume today is 7759–at $75 per call–open interest is 7879

Posted by Richard640 @ 13:25 on December 9, 2020  

Personally, I think this sell off was stopped cold about 20 minutes ago…but I wouldn’t rule out the March crash sequence that started on a Wednesday….Friday saw the DOW down about 400 or 500…then Monday started th crash…the VXX &-the VIX  have come down near enuff to their March lows…and the QID is way below its March pre-rash low…also back then stocks looked bullet proof–I had to force myself to buy 400 VXX calls for a dime each–they went to $500…

Margaret Thatcher on Socialism re Snopes, Correct Attribution.

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:46 on December 9, 2020  

Basically everything is evolving in very slow motion. If a small business can take 4 bad years to drop dead, its understandable, for a big business to take 20 or 30 bad years to drop dead. Re the global business of globalization? That could take 100 erratic years to drop dead, and after 1913 I think it happened, between 9/11 and the 2008 financial crises. So the ongoing global bankruptcy process?? When will it be finalized? Place your bet.  MC


This quotation is congruent with an oft-expressed opinion which casts socialism as a form of government that continuously expropriates private capital until all the industry in the country has been nationalized (or until the country’s economy has been run into the ground, whichever comes first).


Ya Know? We All Could Have Blocked And Stymied The Progress Of The Powers That Be

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:30 on December 9, 2020  

If we only did ONE thing after WW II. First of all we would have had to have good leadership, to encourage all Americans, to “bite the bullet”, suffer and sacrificed our freedoms and pleasures to buy what ever we wanted no mater from where it came from.

In other words a simple buyers strike, and avoid imports. All the special interests would simply be stymied and blocked. Unfortunately the USA as a whole did not have the right leaders in power. and now the results of global socialism’s bad idea is obvious.

Like Margaret Thatcher once said, in my words,  “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other country’s money.” No strong country left to absorb or merge with anymore. They are all going down together. This is all simple logic.  Now the global socialist barfoon bankers need to find a wealthy planet to merge or absorb.

Maybe its time to tax DRAIN China?  Or the big global corporations? Are they qualified as fat cats now? Are they fat enough? Like the American consumer was in 1970? If not? The whole global economy has to be restructured. Were too old to see the practical results of that. And or there is no group smart enough to engineers to design, fabricate, and install it.

Which just reminded me, all my invoices, after I had to self employ, due to the idiot leaders, giving away my manufacturing occupation, after 1975, my bills or invoices said…”design, fabricate, and install” and I was the only one in a 50 mile radius doing what I did according to a customer who tried to find someone else when I went on a two week vacation.

Amusing it was that the company purchasing guy admitted that to me.  What a nice guy Eddie Hines was his name. A real stand up guy. I tried to educate him. They were importing, using  and selling Japanese machinery, because the quality and prices were so great, and American makers couldn’t compete, duhh I wonder why?? 🙂

They went bankrupt. Later on another customer went bankrupt. They made beautiful durable high quality printing presses. They were like monuments. I saw machines they built in 1940s making Dannon Yogurt containers, and they only had to change some worn out gears, from running 24 hours a day. They started buying Japanese and later Korean Machinery, you known high quality and artificially cheap.

They went bankrupt too, owing me a few thousand. The two brothers that owned the factory were borrowing money from their mother to keep the place going. The employees were working cheap like $10/hr, and going without paychecks, until a pay off came in for a press.

Out of all the tax payer factories I worked for, only one still exists. They get Gov’t tax payer contracts.   Anyway, time for lunch, happy mining guys. 🙂


Posted by Pict @ 11:51 on December 9, 2020  

Copper and crude marching in lockstep while PM just smacked around like trash.  Smells to high heaven, as usual.  I really don’t believe the PM price really matters here. It did not for the Vietnamese boat people, either you had gold or you and your family were left behind to be slaughtered. We are here IMHO.

@goldilocks re your 0:05 “They’re going to use this next downfall to try to eliminate cash”

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 11:37 on December 9, 2020  

I can’t buy that at all. I know for a fact that used car buyers and sellers want CASH, green stuff. Same thing with auctions, and yard sales.

Re your “they are purposely trying to crash the economy” That makes sense to me because I’ve stated many times, over the years the whole global financial system “banking” on a fiat currency since 1971 is like a car with 260,000 miles on it, and its has had too many accumulating problems, and has to be replaced. Or totally restructured, or make the system evolve back to the 1800 to 2013 era over 100 years with zero inflation. But how do you change the transmission while driving?

I was very suspicious about the recently stopped virus economy, because nobody gets the blame. Like after the 2008 crash. All kinds of various blames.

The 2008 crash was in my view a confirmed the ending of that very short term 100 year fool hardy experiment. Hey it half ass worked, and we got too many, too often, advances and wars, plusses and minuses, ups and downs ahead of natural organic time scheduled. The dim wit Bankers had to know by 1929 that 1913 was a mistake. Why continue? A typical 10 steps forward and 5 steps back. They CAN’T admit a mistake, plus non organic special interests involved.

And the Barfoons continued the stupidity after 1934 led to 1971 and did it AGAIN, which let to 1981 21% rates dead stocks and real estate for 10 years and gas lines. 1981 high rates led to deflation in commodities 1981 to 2001, $800 gold to $250 gold, heating oil was .43 cents, Copper and 40 cents, silver $2.50? and all other metals and lumber also too cheap, everybody was shutting down, and baby Bush had to put tariffs on steel and lumber, until the barfoons got lowered dollar laxative to kick in.

Common man career student Bankers had no business screwing around with mother nature capitalism after 1913. The needed some common sense mechanics to guide them. They were simply highly educated by colleges’ and too “book smart”.   Many years ago I heard in Germany, if you went to school to be a mechanical engineer, afterward, you had to work in a factory for a time to get your license. Simple common sense. Doctors and dentists  have to do a similar thing.

For the first time in my life I heard someone on financial media, other than me, CNBC Joe Kernin admited that the USA is a socialist country because strong states support weak states thru the Fed Gov’t manager and tax laws. They were discussing the new 2017 SALT tax law. (another clear reversal from a 100 year old tax law)

Great Bear Drills 510 m Step-Down, Doubles Hinge Zone Depth with 15.18 g/t Gold Over 4.90 m from 1,190.00 m Downhole

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:57 on December 9, 2020  


@silverngold re 0:25, I agree with that video

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 10:56 on December 9, 2020  

I don’t like cryptos’ either. And so what if they are avoiding putting dollars into AU and AG, who needs those people in our sand box anyway? 16 minutes is a maximum for me re videos. 4 to 5 minutes for me is good.


Trump’s in charge alright…

Posted by Captain Hook @ 10:22 on December 9, 2020  

…only the swamp thinks he (and you) are chumps.

See here

Huge kickbacks to the politicians and bureaucrats for pushing this crap through.

Oh and Section 230 goes untouched. (That’s yet another big win for big tech. Nasdaq should be higher any second now.)

In fact, President Trump (Chump) – you are censored.

See here

You gotta love it…no?

scum wide awake here

Posted by Maddog @ 10:03 on December 9, 2020  

ystdys lousy share action, was the tell……the scum have cleaned up again…..

this will help

Posted by Maddog @ 9:54 on December 9, 2020  

Senate Committees Drop New Report on Hunter Biden, Alarming Connections to China


Of course he can even McConnell realises the minute he steps down, they are all in shiite …..he can also put millions of people onto the streets to show who has the peoples support…the Dems would be lucky with a few BLM and Antifa thugs .

Sng 9:01

Posted by goldielocks @ 9:51 on December 9, 2020  

Perhaps, perhaps not. For one people shouldn’t allow the rig elected government that have infiltrated to all areas in the system under the guise of fake just-us causes and the non elected almost the same people control our money. All digital is a bad idea for many reasons. That includes it doesn’t even need to be backed by a country anymore lol because that’s the idea. It isn’t manipulated or devalued but stays the same. It’s a digital asset away from the hands of greed and corruption in that there is so many of them and that’s it. No ones going to print more and it can’t be taken over like a country.
Other countries could use it in the absence of gold or resources.
I wouldn’t be surprised if people in government have it. I remember police had it when something came up with ransom ware on their computer.
The irony is people say it could be hacked or the grid goes out but if everything goes digital what difference would it make? It’s nice fir a alternative currency but IMO everything should not be digital. We’re not that powerful to control the solar universe that keeps machines powered. Things can happen.

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:47 on December 9, 2020  

TUO.V New Zone at Harry Property Averages 2.0m of 7.86 Ounces/Ton Gold (269.5 G/T)

New Zone at Harry Property Averages 2.0m of 7.86 Ounces/Ton Gold (269.5 G/T)

Canasil Reports Multiple Drill Intercepts Up To 3,671 g/t Ag Eq* (36.7 g/t Au and 1,010 g/t Ag) From the Candy Vein at the Nora Silver-Gold Project in Durango State, Mexico


Maddog @ 9:42

Posted by Captain Hook @ 9:46 on December 9, 2020  

The concern is he cannot execute it.

The deep state is dug in hard here.


Captain Hook

Posted by Maddog @ 9:42 on December 9, 2020  

If the Donald wasn’t going to use it, why did he create the EO on foreign interference.

He has lined up a lot of ducks, around it.

Plus all this talk about getting a server from Frankfurt, might be psyops, or might not…but if u were a Dem operative, u would be crapping yrself, as of now…so why haven’t the Dems at least denied the story to calm their people down….not a word just silence.

Nausea time this morning

Posted by ipso facto @ 9:35 on December 9, 2020  

Andrew Ross Sorkin interviewing some eastern state bigwig … commenting on his state’s “remarkable” record in forcing vaccines upon schoolchildren.

If this is true…

Posted by Captain Hook @ 9:22 on December 9, 2020  

…George Soros and Biden should be arrested on December 18.

See here

Fingers crossed.

Maddog @ 8:32

Posted by Captain Hook @ 9:11 on December 9, 2020  

Yup – PM’s are on lockdown until the election is settled.

Gotta keep markets calm during the steal.

Doesn’t look good. Down to SCOTUS now.

BLM will be threating them every day their homes will be firebombed if they do something stupid.

Welcome to your nightmare.


Posted by silverngold @ 9:01 on December 9, 2020  

Yeah, I hear you, and I’ve been following crypto’s for several years.  I have also followed when  crypto’s disappeared along with millions of $$$ of investor  money because every transaction can be stored on one hard drive, like happened in Canada a year or so ago…. and poof….gone…. all those investors money without a “trace”.

I also think TPTB have crypto’s in their future, and they have not stopped these other several hundred crypto’s like Bitcoin so far because they plan to use the same basic system  for the Great Reset, so they couldn’t very well destroy peoples confidence in crypto’s if they plan to use the same system…. but once their system is in place, those who hold other cryptos will probably be given a time limit to convert them to the Great Reset system, and after that all others will be outlawed, and anyone trying to buy or sell with them will be branded a criminal. As has been said many times now by many people: We live in interesting times. ;o)

Morning Maddog, treefrog

Posted by Buygold @ 8:58 on December 9, 2020  

Maddog – 25% of all dollars created in the last 9 months, pretty unbelievable. Dollar down a bit again today, not helping pm’s yet but I guess that’s par for the course, I’m sure it’s probably helping Bitcoin.

treefrog – if the SCOTUS hears Texas and the other states, maybe that’s the only chance we have to get this election overturned. I still want to know what happened in the raid of the SCTYL office in Germany where supposedly 5 people died in an attempt to get those servers? Who the hell got those servers if that story is true?

Posted by ipso facto @ 8:40 on December 9, 2020  

Novo Confirms Delivery of Steinert KSS Mechanical Sorter and Provides Operational Update From Beatons Creek


Ely Gold Royalties Announces Closing of Cote Gold Project Royalty, Ontario Canada


Integra Resources Intersects 4.53 g/t Gold and 262.67 g/t Silver Over 85.35 m at Florida Mountain, Including 11.74 g/t Gold and 652.45 g/t Silver Over 30.48 m


Banyan Completes Initial 51% Earn-in Commitments on the AurMac Property, Yukon


Troilus Expands High Grade Testard Zone With Outcrop Samples Up to 80 g/t Gold and 1,060 g/t Silver and Channel Samples Up to 19.5 g/t Gold; Beyan Zone Expanded With 12 g/t Gold Outcrop Sample Located 600 Metres North of Main Discovery


Marathon Gold Signs Cooperation Agreements with Six Communities for the Valentine Gold Project


Victoria Gold Drills 6.14 g/t Au over 8.4 meters and Trenches 4.65 g/t Au over 32.0 meters at Lynx, Dublin Gulch, YT


Spanish Mountain Successfully Completes Field Program and Affirms Delivery of Preliminary Feasibility Study in the First Quarter of 2021


No wonder they sit on PM’s 24/7

Posted by Maddog @ 8:32 on December 9, 2020  

Fun facts to know and tell your friends: The Fed has printed money at such a staggering rate in 2020 that 25% of all US Dollars to ever be in existence were created in the last 9 months. Yow!!!!

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.