OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by Ororeef @ 0:41 on December 8, 2020  

wont make decisions and cant make decisions ,all they have been programed to do is find somebody to BLAME for any decision made…..They didnt left a finger to help TRUMP in any way for 4 years .

NO reason why he should help them…..They could have helped him  and the Country ,they chose not to…The buck stops with them now ,but dont expect decisive decisions .They will form a committee for everything so no one can be blamed or just ignore any problem and say Trump should have taken care of it..he left us a mess.  BLAME BLAME BLAME …incompetent cowards that sell you out every time .They have nothing but Contempt for anybody stupid enough to vote for them ….They know what they are …Reminds me of GROUCHO MARX that said he wouldent join any Country CLUB that would let someone like him in as a member.

aufever. Vaccines are my only hesitancy about Trump, but I think he’s walking a very shaky tightrope.

Posted by silverngold @ 0:08 on December 8, 2020  

On vaccines, this is not my idea but when I heard it it got me thinking. There is no way they can produce a safe and effective vaccine in the quantities necessary in the short time required without tremendous risk. Also, since this is the very first RNA vaccine ever made….. and already about half the population says they will refuse to get it, this is what IMO they will do, especially since IMO they are NOT fighting a virus in the first place. They are fighting 5G electromagnetic radiation.

The first “vaccine” will be nothing but a normal saline placebo. They’ll line up a bunch of “VIP’s”, like Obama, and maybe a few celebrities’, and probably Pelosi and some other known politicians and give them the “vaccine”. That’ll get things off to a good start. Then they’ll begin “vaccinating” the terrified hoards who line up for miles to be the first to get this lifesaving shot. This will all make headlines on the MSM for weeks or months and NOBODY WILL DIE FROM THIS GREAT NEW VACCINE, but anyone who didn’t get the “vaccine” and dies from most anything else they will say died from the Covid-19 virus.

In the mean time they will be producing the real RNA vaccine, making it ready in enough quantities to pretty well cover the world population. They’ll crow about how successful and safe the first “vaccine” was and convince many more people to line up for the second shot, and this time people may start dropping like flies, but hopefully not for a few weeks or months to give them time to get the dirty deed done.  Then they’ll blame the deaths on a mutated “virus” and the necessity of preparing the next vaccine to cover the mutation. Rinse and repeat! First, last, or in between, I will NOT get the vaccine!

Capt Hook

Posted by goldielocks @ 23:05 on December 7, 2020  

The bigger question is IS TRUMP THE ONLY ONE HERE? No one else can do anything? It always has to be Trump who has to figure things out? Why is it that We The People turned into We The Government just like so many other countries. The Demos made themselves to big to fail even if it means usurping the constitution.

Captain Hook

Posted by goldielocks @ 22:51 on December 7, 2020  

It wasn’t just the machines but the machines should of been checked before even going on sale.
It wouldn’t of stopped it. They just print as much ballots as they need.
Why weren’t questions asked about where all those ballots came from, what building and by who when that Truck driver said he drove them from NY to PA? Maybe they did who knows. Why isn’t it a concern for the legislators that these BLMs and Biden workers locked out the republicans and lied about going home or used the excuse of CoVID when they exempted each other? That and many more questions. All they say is well these same people said nothing was wrong. Why didn’t they call them to testify and ask the hard questions? Why didn’t the legislators stop the count under those illegals actions going on?

Maya @ 21:54

Posted by Captain Hook @ 22:27 on December 7, 2020  

You are right. I believe it’s controlled at the state level. However everything is funded federally in the end, so I would have found a way to make it happen. (i.e. cut the funding until it happens.) Where there’s will there is a way.

Trump has no problem finding ways to pay for vaccines that will kill you but he can’t organize an honest election.

Give me a break.

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 22:17 on December 7, 2020  


Future train


Captain Hook @ 20:24

Posted by Maya @ 21:54 on December 7, 2020  

I don’t believe Trump has the power to ‘order a paper/manual election’.  The Constitution grants the power to choose electors to the States.  I don’t have all the details, but the Supreme Court appeal in the Pennsylvania case is about forcing the state to ensure fairness and sticking to their own state rules to ensure a fair election… which it obviously was not.

Too little – too late or Small Is Beautiful

Posted by Captain Hook @ 21:05 on December 7, 2020  

Some locales are fighting back against the tyranny.

See here and here

The decentralization process is still alive.

I don’t know if it’s well, or whether it will matter in the end (if a UN military unit rolls into your town), but its a start.

Arm and align yourselves appropriately folks.

This is for all the marbles.

aufever @ 19:50 & silverngold @ 19:39

Posted by Captain Hook @ 20:24 on December 7, 2020  

I think Trump is being a chump in many respects.

Why didn’t he order a paper/manual ballot election if he knew what would happen because of his 5D chess?

The only answer I can come up with is he is a creature of habit – and he thinks he can out negotiate and work his opponents.

This is evident in all the rallies he puts on – thinking he would bury the competition.

The leftist parasites love this because it plays right into their game – lying, cheating, and lawlessness.

I think Trump is a chump in this regard.

And unfortunately, it looks like America either goes to war with itself now – because the swamp is winning – or it goes commie.

You can thank Trump for being such a chump for this.

Still no talk about doing anything regarding the upcoming Georgia runoff so I guess Dominion will be fixing that election too. This is because he is a joke to these people – a joke. Nobody gets in trouble because Barr, who is staying on due to his loyalty for Chump, will continue to give him the runaround and apparently he will go along with it. (as he has with all the other harebrained policy – the lockdowns, masks, and our new friend – untested and likely deadly vaccines)

So again, unless he unleashes the insurrection act/military on these clowns I’m afraid we are getting 5G and all the Christmas trimmings that go along with it – including a dystopian nightmare control state that even George Orwell never imagined.

Ho ho ho – Merry Christmas

Thanks President Chump

You are making chumps out of all those who believe in you too.

Congrats on playing their game.


Posted by goldielocks @ 20:11 on December 7, 2020  

I had strep throat before complicated by a nursing infant I was afraid of giving it to her. She wouldn’t take a bottle. Luckily she didn’t get it. Maybe passing antibodies helped don’t know for sure.
It’s not fun I remember. There are a host of gargles and throat sprays that might help. Remembering is it was how much I don’t know. Try to keep nutritious fluids up except milk like products IMO.

Australia is coming out with a nasal spry that could get rid of the virus. Talking about a quick fix. Might be good fir Trumps warp speed programs. Think they call it Ena respiratory nasal spray.

Mask Is For Your Safety

Posted by commish @ 19:57 on December 7, 2020  


Turn mouth into a spicy hot pocket

This link may take you off site.  They keep throwing up more road blocks.

Captain Hook, silverngold, anyone

Posted by aufever @ 19:50 on December 7, 2020  

Where do you think Pres. Trump truly stands on vaccinations?
He does not support shutdowns and lockdowns.

Captain Hook @15:35 I guess we’re not alone on this one

Posted by silverngold @ 19:39 on December 7, 2020  

There have been about 450 reply’s so far in less than a day and almost all that I read have been supportive of the “theory” that 5G is either partly or totally responsible for the “virus” they are calling Covid-19. I know that Covid-19 symptoms are much the same as for electromagnetic radiation exposure, and I know that where they have started up 5G is where the outbreaks of the “virus” occurred shortly thereafter, starting with Wuhan China and spreading, not to the next closest city or country, but to the next one who had started using 5G technology. One was Italy and another was Switzerland, and if you follow where 5G was initiated, you will find that is where the most deaths occurred . Open this site which is a world map showing where 5G is being used and you will immediately see the correlation.   https://www.nperf.com/en/map/5g






It’s pretty simple…

Posted by Captain Hook @ 16:02 on December 7, 2020  

…just stop shopping at Walmart and other big box stores or the BS will continue.

See here

It’s not funny.

Not too many here were alive on PEARL HARBOR day

Posted by Ororeef @ 15:58 on December 7, 2020  

But I remember it and besides I got married on Pearl Harbor DAY..1957……63 years ago  !That day that will live in infamy as Rooseveldt called it  …..

Canada Warns Conspiracy Theorists Could Burn 5G Towers, Claiming Link To Virus

Posted by Captain Hook @ 15:35 on December 7, 2020  

See here

Only thing is it’s not a theory.

See here

The Canadian government thinks all its citizens are stupid as they are.

Dow Gold Ratio, Interest Rates and Inflation FYI

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:13 on December 7, 2020  

Note: On average everything costs 20 times more today than in 1971, the year gold backing was cut off from US Dollar. The TRUE inflation rate. Not too long ago, everything was 10-15 times more. So Dow at 631, in 1970, means, to keep even with the falling value of the Dollar needs Dow at 12,620 to break even. Constant dollar Dow. It 30,000, 47 times more. Forty Seven Times more instead of 20 times more. Is the Dow too high above inflation?? It went flat between ’68 and ’82. the invisible crash as per James Dines.

Part of link below:

Aided by this time machine, we put every dollar we had into the market on May 26, 1970, when the Dow closed at 631.  What makes this day remarkable is that 631 is the lowest level the Dow index closed at between November 20, 1962 and September 12, 1974.

How Inflation Hid A 70% Market Loss:  1968-1982

History has already shown us what can happen to long term investment returns when persistent high inflation collides with stubborn high unemployment, resulting in stagflation.  Consider the graph below.  As shown in yellow, the Dow Jones Industrial Average reached 919 in May of 1968, and by August of 1982, had fallen to a level of 777, for a loss of 15%.


Dow Chart long term. That thing CAN go flat to lower again for the next ten years, exactly like the last time, as interest rates and gold climb together, as the Fed raises rates to calm Gold. But they never raised them high or fast enough (behind the curve) until rates hit 21% before they killed the gold peak in 1980.

Chart below shows the Dot com crash, the 2008 crash the blow off roll over top in 2015 into mid ’16 then the Trump Rally nd the Covid dip is clearly seen. NOW WHAT! What will the next crash be called?? The Biden Bust? The higher rates bust to kill $3,000 gold?

I kinda think they gave up on saving the Dollar with higher rates, and are trying to take advantage of a Dollar that is still accepted or still working, “So lets piss away as many as we can”. And in a sense the Dow SnP is a LOT of unused money supply just sitting there. If stock investors start cashing out??

Where is that money going to go?? Bank accounts and Bonds and drive rates to zero minus 10%?? 🙂 Or into Gold and Silver, that would be some sight to see. Real Estate?? Too many people already can’t afford houses and prefer renting. Or they buy and don’t make the payments for 6 years.


Isn’t it funny…

Posted by Captain Hook @ 15:02 on December 7, 2020  

…how Rudy tests positive right before Wednesday’s deadline.

Just like the vote one must be careful who’s doing the counting.

See here

Wake up for F sake

Good Lord

Posted by Captain Hook @ 14:27 on December 7, 2020  

We Are In The “98th Percentile”: Goldman Indicator Finds Equity Positioning Is “Extremely Stretched”

Guess we should short stocks so we can get squeezed again in yet another low volume Santa rally to make sure the bankers can pay for their bonuses.

Same shit different year.

Thanks again Zerohedge

You da Best


Posted by igold @ 14:26 on December 7, 2020  

I do not know if you are familiar with dr. Sircus, but here is what he suggests:

Gargling With Iodine Beats COVID

@ Capt Hook RE: your post – Globalist Psyop

Posted by drb2 @ 14:06 on December 7, 2020  

compare the two sides of this chart – from Korea & SERE training.

Sorry it is so small      “Control +”     should make it readable


@Capt, Right, It Looked Even Better At $40/sh In Summer 2016

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:24 on December 7, 2020  

Remember? We were flying off lows from 2012 highs, $2 stocks going to $22 and $32/sh. Gun stocks were flying. Then Trump started talking, “Don’t worry about the economy, don’t worry about your guns” the gun stocks and Gold dropped. He got 4 more year and doubled the Dow, and kicked our asses pretty much. Well Trump is possibly gone, and maybe the PRE Trump situation is returning?

PLG chart, Look at the 2016 Rally. $30,000,000 Dollar Volume so far today.


Not going to get a fair shake…

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:22 on December 7, 2020  

…out of Georgia politicians and bureaucrats because they work for the Chinese government.

See here

Wake up people.

Cheers all

Mr.Copper @ 12:06

Posted by Captain Hook @ 12:15 on December 7, 2020  

I think it looked a lot better last week.


PLG Platinum Waking Up, 140% break out in one month, IMPUY another

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 12:06 on December 7, 2020  

Uranium waking up, UEC CCJ DNN URA. Lots of stuff looking good. Re Gold? OCANF + 27% today

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.