OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Trump Supporter? You will be HUNTED!

Posted by Maya @ 22:28 on December 1, 2020  

Daily Beast Editor Calls For “Humiliation” And “Incarceration” For Trump Supporters


Bring on the Brown Shirts.  This guy is affiliated with the Lincoln Project.



Posted by goldielocks @ 22:28 on December 1, 2020  

Your right and think a lot of us already know that. It’s too bad the patriots cannot coordinate a resistance themselves. Instead of waisting their time with brainwashed and biased people trying to wake them up when they choose not to.
Just like we voted for Trump in the first place. If they want to learn the hard way leave the country and go live in Venezuela, Zimbabwe or whatever but they never do. They think socialism is about a welfare state and printing press with no idea what the consequences will be.
They might not even think digital currency and elimination of cash by the central bank or even controlled as a NWO is a big deal till it happens and liberties suspended including stealing their money with negative interest rates
while holding their money hostage.
Some women try to use that recorded locker room convo of the kind of women that throw themselves at him while ignoring Biden’s unwanted advances or sexual assault complaints that were noted at the time not during a campaign suddenly.
But yet if you asked them if their husband suddenly won a lottery and a bunch of shameless women started chasing their husband or boyfriend around throwing themselves at them who would they blame? I can pretty much bet that 99.9 percent of the time they would blame the women and keep them away. All propaganda.
Even Fox was apparently in on it.
They also lagged in the computer voting machines giving them time to wipe them just like Hillary.
I think in our day if a bunch of thugs tried to keep us out like they did the poll workers who had no authority over another poll worker there would of been a fight. They would of went in anyway as well as confiscated the illegal and empty “ unfolded so called mail in ballots. There would of been hell to pay all around.

Here’s some of what Canada is currently going through. The law enforcement knows what they are doing is not right but they say they have no choice, even when they are clearly told they are violating Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Posted by silverngold @ 22:11 on December 1, 2020  

B.C. church FINED $2,300 for in-person services, police CAN’T EXPLAIN which order was violated

Communist sociologist…

Posted by Captain Hook @ 21:07 on December 1, 2020  

…says China will drive America to its death.

See here

That’s what all the psyops (COVID) and covert operations (stealing the election) are about.

Have a nice day.

MAGA Caps Racist

Posted by commish @ 20:57 on December 1, 2020  

7mtjyog4 But hammer and sickle ushankas are OK.

Is Trump a traitor too?

Posted by Captain Hook @ 20:54 on December 1, 2020  

If he looses what is an obvious steal, which you did not need to be playing 5D chess to see coming, the answer could be yes.

See here

Cheers all

Deer79, Samb, Goldielocks, and anyone else who reads what I post. Thankyou!

Posted by silverngold @ 20:28 on December 1, 2020  

What I feel is not that if this horrible fraud and injustice is not exposed and corrected, and Trump is not rightfully reinstated as President, the US will be lost. That’s only a tiny piece of it.

What I feel is if this travesty is not corrected,  you can kiss this whole world, and your sweet ass, goodbye. IMO Trump and the USA are all that stand between these communist bastards and their Great Reset, and there is no way I will ever submit to them, and I’m confident that when push comes to shove, neither will you if you are awake. That’s why I say over and over, WAKE UP!!

The loving CDC (think Bill Gates and company)…

Posted by Captain Hook @ 20:18 on December 1, 2020  

…will make sure defenseless long term care residents get the vaccine first in their stealth euthanasia program. (you don’t pay to care of dead people)

See here

The old and frail won’t last long with vaccines destroying their immune systems.

Of course Bill is not stopping here. Hell no! He wants to vaccinate defenseless children and pregnant women as well.

See here

Thanks CDC – and a special thanks to Bill.

You da man.

How the hell does he stay in charge of public health care? Does government work for you or against you? Is government powerless to defend you against these monsters? Why do we have this government then? Are smaller jurisdiction governments that are accountable to their constituents better? You bet they are.

Las Vagas oddsmaker smarter than Barr

Posted by goldielocks @ 19:43 on December 1, 2020  

They watched the whole thing unfold and knew it was a coordinated election fraud and compared to throwing a game.

Las Vegas Oddsmakers are Never Wrong!

Silverngold @ 14:51

Posted by Samb @ 19:36 on December 1, 2020  

Well, with all the good and great posts that you have made…I believe this to be the best of all. Those words of such truth and wisdom are as if from a directly Divine guided person. Despite his faults I believe that he was directly chosen…”many are called but, few are chosen.

Big, Big fan of yours Silverngold, but, finally I am forced to express it.

Maddog—the thanks for that!!

Posted by Richard640 @ 18:12 on December 1, 2020  

But will it matter una mierda?

Posted by Richard640 @ 18:09 on December 1, 2020  
After 11 weeks of staying net long, #hedgefunds switched to net short $SPX e-mini futures, for a net change of 52.2k contracts. Holdings as of last Tue. Index looks tired after a huge Nov. Daily way overbought. Bulls defended 10DMA + 3580s today, but risk losing it going forward.


40 people are Tweeting about this


Posted by deer79 @ 16:32 on December 1, 2020  

Thank you very much for posting that video.

Sometimes I don’t care for Trump’s demeanor, but his tenacity and ability to “fight” for what he thinks is right, is truly remarkable.

I have passed it on to others in my family because it’s a must see at this critical juncture of our country!

Hope we’ve found some kind of bottom

Posted by Buygold @ 16:15 on December 1, 2020  

even though I have no clue why we were up today.

Regardless, beats the alternative of what we’ve seen for the last several months, just hope it continues for awhile.

DOJ – Bill Barr said they didn’t see any evidence of fraud in the election. Thanks Bill, you’ve proven yourself to be just as worthless and probably equally deep state as all the rest. You won’t find anything if you don’t look. What a disgrace.


Barr confirms he is swamp…..The Supreme Court is the last stop before dictatorship…..

Posted by Maddog @ 16:06 on December 1, 2020  


I recognize most of the members of this forum, including myself, who can identify with this great message from President Trump: Never Give Up!

Posted by silverngold @ 14:51 on December 1, 2020  


He’s not quitting on you. Don’t quit on him. Never Give Up!

Been listening to Hearings from Legislature in Detroit

Posted by Ororeef @ 14:07 on December 1, 2020  

The whole dam thing was Fraudulent .Poll watcher were asked how many are Republicans ,of 400 two hands went up.At 4 am in the morning a truck rolls up and 50,000 ballets were unloaded most with Birth dates of jan 1 1900  …Challenges to the  process were met with threats of harm,they were called killers ,because of 6 feet apart rule  was applied to POLL CHALLENGERS that challenged certain  ballets  .Some were arrested by Sheriff and Threats to have some challengers forcibly removed by Police . A complete FRAUD it was…..


Posted by Maddog @ 13:33 on December 1, 2020  

U may yet get yr Civil War, if they don’t sort the election out.!!!

Meanwhile I saw this on another board, behind a pay wall….so No Link

“Kansas State legislator and former attorney Phil Kline will be holding a press conference today with not one, not 2, but 3 whistleblowers, alleging that they drove hundreds of thousands of pre-filled ballots across state lines. “

Doesn’t life get a lot more serious, when u cross State lines?????

Add to that the Godless perverts and frauds, with their Satanic agenda, about to enter the White House, what could possibly go wrong?

Posted by Richard640 @ 13:19 on December 1, 2020  
Citi Warns “100% Probability Of Loss” In Most “Euphoric” Market Since Dot Com Bubble
Au contraire!
“We feel that fundamentally Wall Street is sound, and that for people who can afford to pay for them outright, good stocks are cheap at these prices.” – Goodbody and Company Market-letter Quoted in The New York Times (Friday, October 25, 1929)
“We will not have any more crashes in our time.” – John Maynard Keynes (1927)
“There will be no interruption of our permanent prosperity.” – Myron E. Forbes, President, Pierce Arrow Motor Car Co. (January 12, 1928)
“There is no cause to worry. The high tide of prosperity will continue.” – Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury. (September 1929)
“There may be a recession in stock prices, but not anything in the nature of a crash.” – Irving Fisher, Leading U.S. Economist, New York Times (Sept. 5, 1929)
“Secretary Lamont and officials of the Commerce Department today denied rumors that a severe depression in business and industrial activity was impending, which had been based on a mistaken interpretation of a review of industrial and credit conditions issued earlier in the day by the Federal Reserve Bo ard.” – New York Times (October 14, 1929)
“Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau. I do not feel there will be soon if ever a 50 or 60 point break from present levels, such as (bears) have predicted. I expect to see the stock market a good deal higher within a few months.” – Irving Fisher, Ph.D. in economics, Oct. 17, 1929
“This crash is not going to have much effect on business.” – Arthur Reynolds, Chairman of Continental Illinois Bank of Chicago (October 24, 1929)
“We feel that fundamentally Wall Street is sound, and that for people who can afford to pay for them outright, good stocks are cheap at these prices.” – Goodbody and Company Market-letter Quoted in The New York Times (Friday, October 25, 1929)
“Financial storm definitely passed.” – Bernard Baruch, cablegram to Winston Churchill (November 15, 1929)
“The Government’s business is in sound condition.” – Andrew W. Mellon, Secretary of the Treasury (December 5, 1929)
“President Hoover predicted today that the worst effect of the crash upon unemployment will have been passed during the next sixty days.” Washington Dispatch (March 8, 1930)
“Gentleman, you have come sixty days too late. The depression is over.” – Herbert Hoover, responding to a delegation requesting a public works program to help speed the recovery (June 1930)
“The worst is over without a doubt.” James J. Davis Secretary of Labor (June 29, 1930)
“We have hit bottom and are on the upswing.” – James J. Davis, Secretary of Labor (September 12, 1930)
“The country is not in good condition.” – Calvin Coolidge (January 20, 1931)
“The depression has ended.” – Dr. Julius Klein, Assistant Secretary of Commerce (June 9, 1931)
“In other periods of depression, it has always been possible to see some things which were solid and upon which you could base hope, but as I look about, I now see nothing to give ground to hope-nothing of man.” – Former President Calvin Coolidge, (1933)
Add to that the Godless perverts and frauds, with their Satanic agenda, about to enter the White House, what could possibly go wrong?

If you have capital you can NOT lose in this market!

Posted by Richard640 @ 13:06 on December 1, 2020  

Citi Warns “100% Probability Of Loss” In Most “Euphoric” Market Since Dot Com Bubble


[If you have capital you can NOT lose in this market!— these freaking stories, the last time we saw this, the last time this happened, the last time that happened. All of these dreamers dreaming of untold wealth based on a fictitious market crash that you know is not going to happen anytime soon. Between the Fed printing and the treasury having to liquidate a couple of trillion dollars I don’t think this market if it does go down is not going to be down for long].
Sometimes “greed” is not good.
The last time the market was this ‘extreme‘ in its greed did not end well, but as FOMO dominates any downside fears, Citigroup’s Panic-Euphoria indicator – which tracks metrics from margin debt to options trading and newsletter bullishness – has reached its highest since the August tumble and equaled its highest since the peak of the dotcom bubble…
“Our sense is that the idea of no alternatives to buying broad-based equities has led to an overshoot,” Tobias Levkovich, the bank’s chief U.S. equity strategist, said in a note.
“Current euphoric readings signal a 100% probability of losing money in the coming 12 months if we study historical patterns – indeed, we saw such levels back in early September as well right before a selloff in stocks.”
It’s a very tough one. There’s the Wall Street short term view. Then there’s the 5 to 10 year view. Look at Amazon who invest like crazy… is it really done growing? I doubt it. It’s $1.5 trillion which sounds shocking… but from a price to sales perspective it’s 5x. Is it that shocking? Not compared to many (albeit smaller) stocks.
So if you ask me… I’d say conservatively AMZN will at least double 5 years from now… where else can I get such returns? I can do 70 pc cash and 30 percent Amazon and would likely beat going 100 pc long in an index fund for a fraction of the risk.
The way the dollar is going down, people would rather own anything else.  It’s game theory and everyone knows what the Fed will do if asset prices show any hint of a significant drop.
Such a stupid article, as there is nothing similar about now and then.


Back then there was NO propping up ALL asset prices the way they are now.
These markets are propped up by the plunge protection team and countless trillions of dollars.
If you have capital you can NOT lose in this market!
Stupid historical comparisons where nothing is identical between the periods. The only thing that can pop this market if civil war.

Short video: Listen to the man, then get the world back to life and living!

Posted by silverngold @ 12:30 on December 1, 2020  



Nevadans push for state mining tax hike to help with pandemic budget crisis

Posted by ipso facto @ 11:07 on December 1, 2020  


Bonds are crashing,,, rates going higher

Posted by Maddog @ 10:27 on December 1, 2020  

with SM break higher….so now is obviously the right time to sell PM’s…..yeah sure.

A FLOOD of biblical proportions

Posted by Richard640 @ 10:17 on December 1, 2020  

Record-Shattering Flows Into Stock ETFs Leave Bond Funds in Dust

December 1, 2020, 8:38 AM EST

After lagging bond funds for most of 2020, ETFs tracking equities lured a record $81 billion last month, bringing their total haul for the year to $196 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. That catapulted them ahead of fixed-income funds, which attracted $17 billion and have a tally of $192 billion.

Equity exchange-traded funds have overtaken their fixed-income peers for inflows this year thanks to November’s epic stock rally.

Investors are redeploying cash into stocks following a series of breakthroughs in the race for a Covid-19 vaccine and amid mounting optimism for growth. Beaten-down areas of the market have benefited the most, with small caps and energy shares posting their strongest months on record in November. Global equities notched their largest monthly gain since at least 1988, while multiple major benchmarks are at or near all-time highs.fEquity ETFs lure $81 billion as global stocks jump most since index began


Updated: December 1, 2020,10:11 am — 10:11 am

Posted by Ororeef @ 10:13 on December 1, 2020  


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.