I think you have it backwards. Think more about it. Things can’t get any worse long term. This will get worse short term via transition. To a better future.
Getting rid of the past as we know it should be good. The end of America as we knew it was after the great years 1945 to 1975. That was a great USA.
What is ending now? Leftist foreign global influences? Open borders? Sanctuary cities? We’re flooded with immigrants and imported products? $27 Trillion National Debt?
Good riddance. Bring on the future, lets think more positive.
The time to say…
“It is the end of America as you know it.” was 1975 after they took gold backing off the US Dollar in 1971 and allowed it to “float” my ass. It floated DOWN, gas lines, .25 cents to $1.30, high rates to 18%, Killed car and home sales, lower living standards, pay cuts wives working, unions busted, cheaper products needed so lets import.
Besides all that? After 1970? Population density, tiny building lots, in the Los Angeles, 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag, in a hot valley and they had SMOG, a perfect excuse to ruin all the cars and massive unneeded environmental laws for the whole country.
They ruined the car culture, gun culture, etc and created a massive environment culture, animal rights culture, bird and lizard lover cultures ect. And look at the divisiveness in the country. The patriotic Americans versus the pro Global anti American citizens. All the stupidity culminating naturally.