I guess nobody has the TV on. Well there are thousands of Trump supporters protesting in front of the Whitehouse. They are doing EXACTLY like the anti Gun protesters do, to get their stupid feel good gun laws pushed thru.
Its interesting how finally the other side, the docile, quiet, easy going conservative silent majority has learned from the idiots how to get things done. The idiots for decades have unfortunately been victims public education campaigns.
They didn’t never realize or care about the economic decline of the country. The Practical versus the emotional are finally waking up. Obviously they saw all the Media hoopla with George Floyd too. Extreme acting out to get things done.
I still don’t know what the mobs of Cop haters expect to get from rioting. Maybe they need to teach kids on grade school to respect the police. NOT tell the kids to tell the cops…”You can’t arrest me!!! I know my rights!!!”
Looks like a revolution (reversal) going on since 2008. When I coined…
“If you were getting away with something, you better stop before you get caught”
Bernie Madoff was caught first. The latest? Rigged elections. They’ve been doing that for decades. When is the Media going to get caught and put out of business.