They are all supporting a reversal of the past 60 year (actually since 1913) decline or liquidation of America, lower living standards, no sovereignty, no control of borders, rebel sanctuary cities, high taxes, too much gov’t control, gov’ts making laws that are against the law, loss of rights and freedoms, stupid gun controls etc etc.
Lets not forget a reversal of the power of the fake news media propaganda press, manipulating commodity prices, and reversal of questionable election results. Voters should have a ID card like a credit card, and take a back ground check for it like for a pistol permit. Then they just swipe it at the super market, one vote only. Or come up with some mechanical way like an odometer in the car or a mechanical counter on a power press and avoid electronics completely.
Both parties, the uni-party have been selling us out to foreign nations. Trump is NOT a republican. He’s a third party RINO with a big horn no official name yet. He has been a representative or spokesperson between the managers and the public. He was one of the public with enough money to fight big brother.
I predict the reversal supporters will create a non governmental organization, an NGO, or a none profit organization like the NRA. The NRA charges dues $35/yr, and you get a magazine and mailings to keep 5 millions members up to speed. Who to vote for etc.
Many members contribute money, and even will them estates. They can afford to have lawyers and representation in all states to fight bad stupid legislation, and its not easy fighting unreasonable immature but clever children in high places. If the US Gov’t ever collapsed, I’d want the NRA to take over. They know the laws and constitution.
If Trump creates an organization, and gleaned 50 million members compared to NRA 5 million, that club of reversal supporters would have a LOT of clout, mabe the biggest lobbyist group. The future looks great, after we hit rock bottom hopefully soon.