that voted for Trump and he intends to bring vengeance to them …thats his way to bring people together ? He’s a liar and plans a sellout to the Chinese who own him..betrayal to those Democrats that thought he was just anti Trump ,no ….THATS NOT THE END game ,THATS THE PLOY ,if you allow him to DO what he’s trying to DO to Trump…YOU WILL HAVE NO RIGHT TO COMPLAIN WHEN HE DOES IT TO YOU !!! no MORAL RIGHT TO COMPLAIN….deceit and betrayal is what YOU will get from him….! Then its too late to stop him.. thats what happened in CUBA….Communism play book..
The new FINANCIAL SYSTEM is modeled after Chinese Communist system ALL Political control ,from one party however they borrowed from the Capitalists a system that allowed capitalism to grow as long as it was under ONE PARTY control and subservient to political control. If you get too rich and talk against PARTY propaganda …you disappear along with your family. Thats where the Democrats are headed.