On the other hand, maybe there are others here like myself who do not watch the MSM crap lies and deceptions and will be pleasantly pleased to see all the things that Trump did behind the scenes that the MSM didn’t ever say or admit since the MSM has never been a Trump fan. Trump DOES have balls, and he proved that with his entrepreneurship up to and including his presidency, and now he is sacrificing his life and wealth to save America and the world..
I’m not twisting any arms here but this was very revealing to me and I believe it will be to some others, so NO, I cannot present it in 4-5 minutes. IMO he is not just fighting for America, he is fighting for the freedom of all people of the world by showing America’s strength and courage in the face of this attempt at creating the New World Order, Great Reset, one world digital currency based on social credits, and any other attempts to remove the last of our freedoms of choice in how we live our lives over which they want to take total control.
If America submits, the rest of the world will follow. All FWIW and IMO! WWG1WGA