A group has they’re eye on first majestic tomorrow so those holding it might want to pay attention. If things hold it’s gonna bounce.
Mr Copper
They were naked shorting “ more shares then there was” and who knows maybe got noticed because that would be the perfect short squeeze.
commish @ 20:58 re Hedge Funds Are Mad, Tried to put a short squeeze on Gamestop
but a bunch a small investors decided to band together and did buying. Ruined their plan. Hah-Ha.
Comment: After that big financial crisis in 2008, Bernie Madoff’s long Ponzi Scheme game was over. And I knew at that time everything was changing. I even posted to everybody…
“If you were getting away with something not kosher for a long time, you better stop.”
Bernie was first, and one by one big and small, long term I’ve seen cheats getting nailed. Even local state big shots getting caught for corruption and being jailed. So maybe Wall Street, Gov’t and Fed manipulation Gold Silver etc is coming to an end.
Nope I’ll remove the hpps in the front if it stays a link just copy then add it.
Try this link then. Hope it stays a link. Don’t hit okay for cookies you can watch it anyways.
What a ride. I’ve held it since 2003. To the moon, Alice. One of these days…
aufever, goldie, sng….
Have seen the posts in answering my question of link to Robert Steele vid. Goldie, your link says video removed by uploader. Aufever, I see you tried again. Sng, different vid. But thanks all for trying.
Hedge Funds Are Mad
Tried to put a short squeeze on Gamestop but a bunch a small investors decided to band together and did buying. Ruined their plan. Hah-Ha.
Up 23% in after hours.
Mr Copper
I scrolled down and they said they apologize for the inconvenience and it’s up now. Inconvenience!! People were losing thousands of dollars. What’s up with Game Stop did their new X box and PlayStations sold out come back in or was it the other way around after Christmas.
Roger that interesting. Somebody posted this below on that link. I swear the system is breaking down.
“Charles Schwab trading platform, has gone into outages 4 times in the last 12 months. I have lost several thousands trading on Street Smart Edge. Schwab’s telephone support is not available during this outage, You get a recording to call back later, which is simply worthless. Schwab support group will lie to you. Their online support personnel said we have a few complaints of trouble when Schwab’s trading platform is in completely in outage.”
I should of copied and kept that post at the time for you when you told us what’s going on.
You said something about the penny stocks like WHO BUYS 10 SHARES!!!I know it was terrible but you had me in stitches laughing so hard. Lol
Mr.Copper @ 16:25 In early 2000’s when the markets were crashing I had what sounds similar but with Ameritrade. I never used Schwab
Back then I had 2,200,000 PM shares in 108 different miners. I sold off most of my larger holdings and was trying to sell my penny stocks as the market dropped. I would enter a market sell order, hoping to find some interest, and I did. I sold less than a dollar of stock many times and paid Ameritrade $9.99 for the trade because there was no more sold that day, and the next day was a new $9.99 commission. This was a rinse/repeat that happened daily going into that bottom….sell less than the commission Ameritrade was getting every time. I figured they had brokers who had contracted to do the dirty work in exchange for a cut of the commissions, as well as picking up a lot of penny stocks. When I finally caught on I cancelled the sell orders and kept the remaining shares. I figured that was legal robbery but also my education tax. lol!! I’m not crying though. That time I took out 16.4X what I put in, even with all their shenanigan’s. All the Best from Silverngold!
Aufever I found it I’ll see if it does it to me too. Nope this is his post anyone needs the link
I’ll put something here so it can be copied.
Sng 16:13
99 million by 25, that will probably all the illegals Creepy Joe let in if we’re lucky.
We’re dealing with some really nasty people right now.
Tesla posts beat on revenue, misses on EPS
Tesla reported mixed earnings, with the automotive company posting $.80 EPS and $10.74B in revenue, compared to consensus estimates of $1.03 EPS and $10.38B in revenue.
@Buygold Thanks, Check My Link Plenty Of Other Info
This is definitely a bad signal.
aufever @ 16:17
We have no control over how something displays and I couldn’t tell you why some links are like this and some like that.
silverngold @ 14:16
That’s very powerful … but I know for a fact it would be dismissed by these people. They believe in the official narrative. They are true believers.
Mr. Copper
From My site on TD Ameritrade. Sounds like the Brokers know something bad is coming.
“Limits on certain transactions”
“In the interest of helping to mitigate risk in current market conditions, we have put in place restrictions on certain securities. Restrictions may include actions like increasing margin requirements or limiting certain types of transactions”
Reporting A Strange Situation,
At 3:45 I place a sell order 500 shares At The Market and only 202 get sold. I tried to sell the remainder 198 and even that wouldn’t happen. At the market they are usually GONE before you take your finger off the mouse.
So I call Schwab, and nobody answers. Anybody try to make a sale today?? Even the live chat is dead.
Ya know, I keep thinking, one of these days, we should totally cash out of these brokerages and move all the money into the local bank or banks where its probably safer.
I found some info. Lots of similar can’t sell problems. This looks bad.
Complaints: https://downdetector.com/status/charles-schwab/
I have a question.
In my post today at 12:31, i posted a url.
Why is it displaying the way it is?
So no one can just copy the link
goldielocks @ 15:07, Yeah, pretty disturbing.
Ties in with the drastic reduction in world population I posted a couple days ago. USA will be 99 million by 2025. Reduction of 237 million. Basically the same for the rest of the world as I recall. Wake Up People!