,he has a FINANCIAL INTEREST is the VIRUS spreading ,he will make millions.
besides when the MEDIA loves him ,you know something is wrong …..
,he has a FINANCIAL INTEREST is the VIRUS spreading ,he will make millions.
besides when the MEDIA loves him ,you know something is wrong …..
the news caster got the goods on DR FAUCI as the guy that PAID for the development of this MAN MADE VIRUS even after after he was warned it was too dangerous .They gave the Chinese in the Wuhan LABS the taxpayer money to finance the experimental development of this PANDEMIC virus .How it got released is still unknown ,was it accidental or was it Chinese skullduggery is another question. The Chinese certainly deliberately kept quiet while they encouraged its release into the rest of the world ..They didnt want it to be a Chinese only problem ,they needed the US technology to help control it so they deliberately let it get out of China so the US would be forced to help fight it.
DR FAUCI is responsible for this VIRUS and needs to be criminally charged with killing tens of thousands and have his Medical License revoked. Then charged with MURDER.He was warned that fooling with the DNA of a natural virus that could replicate itself and be redesigned as a WAR weapon was TOO DANGEROUS ,but he surreptitiously did it anyway using US TAXPAYER money .The Chinese were right about it being a US developed virus in the sence that the US paid for it under DR FAUCIS direction….FOR details check with STEVE HILTON TV NEWS commentator .(I remember the Chinese saying it was US MILITARY that brought it to CHINA,that can be true if it was a Weapon development and it was financed by FAUCI…not exactly as the US said ,but combined with what the Chinese said at the it certainly looks that way .The US has a history of processing WORDs..
Fox News is now claiming Dr. Fauci is responsible for the existence of COVID-19 pic.twitter.com/FBrnajMtFX
— nikki mccann ramírez (@NikkiMcR) January 27, 2021
Just got this from an old gold friend; one of the sharpest guys I know. Please watch it and wake up while you still can!
Interesting that she says ” Switzerland ” is CORRUPT or The Center of Corruption !!
According to Her … ” something ” happened in 2009
with The World Health Organization ( WHO ) …
most Countries became Signatories ” to some agreement ”
the only 2 countries that DID NOT SIGN
recently ( I do not know exactly WHEN ) the
WHO changed definitions of
Pandemic : NOW a common cold can be called a pandemic !!
Immunity : NOW only people that get a VACCINE can have immunity !!
‘Crazed’ Antifa Mob Target Portland Businesses As ‘Defunded’ Police Stretched Thin
Portland Police announced this message over the loudspeaker to rioters:
“To those marching in the Pearl District: Officers have observed and community members have reported members of this group have damaged buildings in the Pearl District. Immediately stop participating in criminal behavior including damaging property. Failure to adhere to this order may subject perpetrators to detention, citation, arrest, or use of crowd control agents, including, but not limited to, tear gas and/or impact weapons. Immediately stop participating in criminal activity.”
Police were in short supply last night due to “multiple shooting incidents across the city.” A dwindling police force is no thanks to the social justice warriors in the Portland City Council, who defunded the police budget by $15 million, eliminating 84 positions.
Further, police have been restricted on the type of non-lethal weapons they can use. Tear gas is currently banned in the metro area. So while multiple shootings constrained officers – videos and images of the rioters, uploaded to Twitter last night, show numerous buildings vandalized, including a Chipotle, Starbucks, and Safeway.
Rioters can be heard smashing windows. Some tagged buildings with the acronym “ACAB,” which means: “all cops are bastards.”
Down to $44, 800.00
Although I shouldn’t consider that “hammered” as it’s made a lot of people rich. Only hammered to the late comers.
And what will gold and silver do? Follow Bitcoin? I surely hope not. Would love to see that Bitcoin selling and money make it’s way into pm’s.
Waiting for Trump to speak at CPAC. Hopefully he puts energy into the base. We need it after the stolen election
Meanwhile it appears investors continue to line their pockets with crypto’s and their stock portfolios with ETF’s that are run by their enemies who use them to control all the markets. This has become a bizarre and weird world my friend! All The Best From Silverngold!
the covid hysteria seems to be winding down.
Mexico’s large mining sector will likely see some recovery this year after 2020’s pandemic-induced slump, but a key industry leader said he fears rising political risk will drag down growth as companies focus new investments elsewhere.
Fernando Alanis, president of Mexican mining chamber Camimex, said in an interview that growing doubts on government polices like permitting and concessions will lead to at least a dozen companies to shift new investments to more inviting countries like Peru and Chile this year.
“In 2021, I think we’re beginning to see other (negative) factors that have nothing to do with covid,” he said late on Thursday, specifically citing investor uncertainty.
Around a dozen companies, he said, “are saying that they’re going to make their next investments elsewhere” as Mexico’s regulatory and tax issues have made it less attractive than the South American mining hubs.
Trade publications have recently reported that firms with significant Mexican projects including Argonaut Gold Inc, Excellon Resources Inc and Sierra Metals Inc are likely looking outside the country to foster new growth.
THE FDA COVER UP—Any routine internet search produces initial articles claiming artificial sweeteners are safe—
In 1996, John Olney, a professor of pathology and immunology at Washington University Medical School, claimed to have found epidemiological evidence that the introduction of aspartame in the US was connected to an increase in an aggressive form of brain tumor called glioblastomas. But this was criticized for just being a correlation and dismissed by the FDA.
Many of those Searle studies that Gross questioned are now lumped into the data that says aspartame is safe. And though the question of aspartame causing brain tumors has largely been dismissed over the years, there hasn’t been much new data on the subject. In fact, a 1987 General Accounting Office report states that 28 out of 69 scientists said more research was needed in the areas of “neurological functions, brain tumors, seizures, headaches, and adverse effects on children and pregnant women.” Nonetheless, the report added, research was ongoing in all areas except brain tumors. What’s more, the FDA dissuaded the National Toxicology Program (NTP) from doing further cancer research on aspartame. As the founder of the NTP, David Rall, put it, “It’s a wonderful way to ensure that it isn’t tested—discourage the testing group from testing it and then say it’s safe.”
A longterm study in humans found a positive association between aspartame intake and risks for non-Hodgkin lymphomas and multiple myeloma in men, and leukemia in both men and women.
Thank you for posting that interview.
Thankfully, my balky internet connection maintained itself for the whole thing.
He gave Mr. Armstrong room to roam, and roam he did!.
That was funny. It reminded me a little of a Jerry Lewis scene were he was trying to control powerful hose breaking windows and knocking people over, amongst other things that happened. Least it wasn’t gunk through but the poor older lady her dog and fish and fireplace soot at the same time. Guess I correction busy right now U know the real Jerry Lewis.
I’m sure a good shower will get him going.
More brawn than brains, apparently. My first instinct would be to shut OFF the pump. Harold? “Go wrestle the beast!”
Those are some shitty posts!
My son’s friend Harold is over one night. He’s big strong and built like a bulldozer. Lifts weights all the time, mid 30’s age.
His father used to work for a plumbing company, pumping out cesspools, so Harold knew something about it, and after exaggerating his knowledge, he gets a job pumping cesspools.
He was very new on the job when they sent him to a fancy multi story office complex to pump out the pool. It was a big one.
Anyway, he sticks that big fat hose into the “stuff”, turns on the pump, and nothing is getting sucked up, stuff is too dense, so he goes full throttle on the pump and the suction is still not enough.
So he radios back to the office, tells them he’s having a problem, and he thinks they should send someone else with more experience.
The boss says….”It’s no problem. Just reverse the pump. Put some of the “stuff” that’s already in the truck, into the pool to soften it up, dilute it a little, jiggle the hose around, and THEN you can suck it out.
So Harold has the hose draped into the pool, and he’s near the truck, throws the pump into reverse, and he knew right away he made a mistake by the sound of the pump as it reversed, at full throttle.
He glances out towards the pool, about 50 feet away, and what does he see? The damn hose he said, came completely out of the pool, like a big fat snake, pointing into the air, and was whipping back and forth, and spewing nasty smelly “stuff” all over the place.
He panics, runs over, tackles the hose like he’s playing football, and manages to get it back into the pool, but he hasn’t got any more strength, and has to let it go.
Back up into the air again, throwing stuff all over the place. People are yelling at him out the windows. They’re cursing at him. The stuff is going all over everybody’s cars, and is four inches deep in the parking lot.
Can you imagine this? What about all the fresh air intakes on the cars. So he finally shuts down the pump. He was covered head to toe in stuff. It was even in the back of his hooded sweatshirt.
He removed all his clothing except his shorts, and drove back to the office. He told the boss. “You don’t have to fire me, I’ll quit.”
PS on the job story about Harold, “Tommy The Landlord”
So anyway, I tell this story to Tommy the “body guy. (He’s the best auto body mechanic, looks like Willie Nelson, pig tail and all, neat guy, know him for decades works in a back yard barn)
He can’t stop laughing, and it reminds him of a story to tell me.
He used to rent a big huge three story Herman Munster type house back in the hippie days. It had a big barn in back, where he did body work.
He also used to rent out rooms to others to keep costs down. Seems that all the toilets are backed up, all THREE stories. He goes down into the cellar, and looks for a spot to snake it out.
He sees what looks like big threaded “end cap”. He puts a big wrench on it, and the second he gave it the slightest bit of a turn, the cap popped off,
and SWOOOSH, right in his face. All three stories of you know what. He wore it.
Then he notices the cap wasn’t threaded at all. It was just a big lead plug, and that’s why it popped right out.
Those companies all seem to be making the big bucks with POG here. Seems they could afford to pay some of that out in bigger dividends. Should see some smaller cos eaten up soon.
“Hope this trashing ends soon” You got that right Brother!
That’s a good article. The companies highlighted all seemed to have good AISC’s and production numbers. I own some of them, not all, but most I guess.
The one that sticks out to me is BTG for a smaller company. Hard to believe that stock is $4. Course, hard to believe the HUI is 250 with the metals where the are and energy prices where they are.
Hope this trashing ends soon.
jeffers vet supply is on the web, also valley vet supply. jeffers snailmail is p. o. box 100, dothan alabama.
alternatively, if you are near a farming area, the local feed store probably has ivermectin injectable for cattle or swine – various brands. a 50 ml vial of 1% ivermectin sterile solution costs about thirty bucks at our local farm and ranch supply.
1% works out to 10 mg per ml. while you’re at the feed store, get a small (easier to measure small amounts) syringe to pull it from the vial – handy way to measure with pretty good accuracy. dosage levels can be found on the web. i have been using it on my dogs for years to prevent internal (worms) and external (fleas, ticks, etc) parasites. i use one ml per 100 pounds of dog. (a 15 pound dachshund gets 0.15 ml – orally – monthly. i draw the dose from the vial using the syringe with a needle, remove the needle and squirt the syringe down the dog’s throat.) it’s probably unwise for me to give medical advice about humans, but you’re a grownup, you can probably figure it out on your own.
if you clean up everything before and after with a cotton ball soaked in isopropyl alc. everything stays sterile. squirt a little iso through the syringe and needle too. i keep everything in a clean ziplock bag.
I have no clue what happens in the copper market. Honestly, I don’t really follow it, sorry to say. I suppose if copper gets hammered when shorts get heavy in the copper market, things would make sense. Also, lumber has been exploding higher, have we seen the scum enter that market?
I can’t make sense of much of anything anymore old man. Sorry,