“These are good times to get rid of the ones that pissed us off the most”
Yep can’t agree more. Less sting when taking losses on a day like today. We’re going to need some losses to offset the gains … I’m figuring.
“These are good times to get rid of the ones that pissed us off the most”
Yep can’t agree more. Less sting when taking losses on a day like today. We’re going to need some losses to offset the gains … I’m figuring.
Yeah but Hunt gave his wife a price break on those vegis. See he’s not all bad! 🙂
So, what used to cost $1,000 now costs $26,000, which is about equal with the long term inflation rate. $1.25 minimum wages times 26 S/B $32.50/hr.
A $2500 Chevy pick up back in the day times 26 is $65,000 or more that you would have to pay today for one.
The old $40,000 house from back in the day, times 26 is supposed to be $1,o40,000 today.
So in reality real estate has under performed. If you add maintenance and insurance you lost even more. If you add property taxes too, forget about it. You really got screwed paying rent on the villages land.
Why is real estate so retarded in price? Very simple. The low wages and high property taxes gave it a big head wind on the retail prices. If minimum wage for example was raised from $10 to $35, 250% more, the entire workforce has a value pecking order.
So over time all wages would rise in unison, and higher wages would make higher prices affordable to more people. Kids out of high school would be buying new cars with cash or three year loans, and two-three years out of high school buying new or existing homes, some with 15 year loans.
Pluss the parents would avoid college costs, and get the kids out of the house sooner so they can sell the house and retire.
But the business gov’t Media says it will kill jobs. But in reality it will kill businesses that are NOT lucrative, and the owner can close small business and him and his employees would be able to get a decent job. a good job.
The livable wage would be the LAW that everybody and businesses would have to adjust to, like $145/bb Oil, $4.40 at the pump, and 18% interest rates to buy a house, businesses all adjusted to those things.
It would just be one more thing. It certainly would help retail too, which in turn would help Europe, China, S. Korea, Japan, Bangladesh, Outer Mongolia, etc etc
My NGD was about $13.20 aug 1st 2011–it was $5.20 July 1st 2016…it had nil earnings back then as now…it has never had a split…it went from 46 cents to 1.99 as I write….if we get a gold and silver stock mania like in 1980, not only NGD but almost any gold or silver company could go to incredible valuations…it seems that the “everything bubble” is back and alive and well
The $ index is UP!!!!! +.411
Up 25%.
NEM down on day and SSRM barely up…..both favourites of the scum…..we should get heavy metal attacks later today, or tomorrow, as smacking those two is often the signal, to the hedge funds to get short everything PM.
U asked about China and Silver….GATA caught this….the Chinese piled in Friday/Monday
Looks like some selling at the August highs around $30. The big gap is still active. Apmex is suddenly out of silver.
when the Chinese are ready to do it ..! NY are nothing but shorts all the time because thats where the most money is mad the fastest .When sentiment is 90 % thats their signal to pivit.
These are good times to get rid of the ones that pissed us off the most. But, the bottom line is the metal prices. That the whole bet. I might dump my palladium play SBSW, because its acting too sluggish, and I think part African, I don’t like Indonesia either, they harassed FCX on occasion when I was on it.
Despite mega openings in many shares, scum closed the first hour on the lows of most shares, some even like NEM or SSRM, which they love to ruin, banged back to unch or near…..thus making the first hrly bars all look like crap.
Oh Look Nem is now down on the day…no doubt letting all the shorts know they have their backs covered…..IE todays rally just a better short oportunity.
Re Ackerman and Hunt
Hunt used Comex and Margin…..he also ran a group of mainly ME investors, they were all super wealthy, tks to the Oil explosion in the 70’s.
He made his money in Libya, where he bought the rights to an area to explore, which turned out to be the biggest field in Libya….he then did a deal with BP and split it 50/50 %, they did all the exploration and extraction, if anything was found…..he did jack apart from growing vegetables on his roof in Benghazi, to sell to his wife….While he was out there where he met all the other members of his group around the ME.
When he decided to corner silver, he went to all those fellow Oil millionaires/billionaires and they joined in…the rest as they say is history…but they also took on Gold…but it was all on margin….. when they put his margins upto 100 % o/n he couldn’t pay himself and couldn’t get the money in time from the other members of the group, as they were all over the place and communications were terrible, plus their money was tied up etc…..plus they also were really pissed and shocked that the deal had changed…..So Crimex/his brokers closed them all out, as the call had not been met….
If he had told them they might need to go 100 % well before….they could easily have paid up…..the WSB crowd are going all physical, Ackerman is wrong…..plus when Hunt started there were no monster shorts, built up over decades…..
It’s too bad they’ll see very little additional development since they don’t have the funds or expertise to advance new projects.
I don’t invest in the “Stans” because they are always changing their agreements.
That there is more evidence of Globalization in reverse gear since the 2008 crash. Very slowly one by one…..
“What You Were Getting Away With Something For A Long Time You Better Stop”
I posted this soon after Bernie Madoff got nailed with that crash. That era was the beginning of the end of globalization. Think about so many things went into reverse. Even Trump was a reverse of all shitty anti American do nothing ass kissing presidents we had. We could say 9/11 caused 2008. So its a very slow transition going on.
And the stopping of illegal immigrants was one. Seems like the shorters, the Fed and the entire global influences can’t get away with things anymore.
@Happy Mining Guys, you too Goldilocks 🙂
Check out high volume bars three days ago:
SLV https://schrts.co/EkfnNhsa
Kyrgyzstan on Friday banned foreign companies from future large mining projects, although existing licenses are unaffected, in the first major order by its new president.
The economy of the Central Asian nation relies heavily on gold mining, particularly after two other sources of wealth – trade with neighbouring China and remittances from migrant labourers working in Russia – were hit by the covid-19 pandemic.
Kyrgyz President Sadyr Japarov, who was inaugurated on Thursday, signed the order which only allows the development of “subsoil areas of national importance” by a state-owned company.
Medical Tyranny: CDC Announces All Travelers Must Wear Two Masks, Threatens Arrest
Bend over you silver shorting bastards!
Roxgold Returns High Grade Intercepts Within New Prospect at Boussoura as Drill Program Continues to Expand Mineralized Footprint
Vizsla Drills 10,019 g/t AgEq Over 0.43 M Within 1,909 G/t AgEq Over 2.42 M to Double Depth of Napoleon Discovery
Mako Mining Commences Processing of Stockpiled Material at San Albino, Announces a 50,000 Meter Drilling Program, Appoints a New Chief Financial Officer and Signs a Definitive Agreement to Sell its Mexican Operations
Karora Intersects 19.0 g/t Gold Over 9.0 metres including 542 g/t over 0.3 metres with Visible Gold Mineralization Observed in Larkin Zone Drill Core at Beta Hunt
New Placer Dome Gold Corp. Drills 25.9 Metres of 0.92 G/t Gold Oxide, Within a Broader Zone of 97.5 Metres Averaging 0.41 G/t, at its Bolo Gold-Silver Project, Nevada
New Found Files Form 20-F with Intention to List on the NYSE American
Gold Standard Ventures Plan of Operations Ruled Complete by Bureau of Land Management
I dunno. Some sort of glitch I guess.
Looks like we’ll have a decent day. 🙂
Luckily I have been sitting some of that.