Poorly run cities even worse. Once upon a time Chicago was busy with lots of shops restaurants entertainment a museum of science I remember but then it slowly started to erode. One of the big mistakes was putting up housing projects. I remember hearing on the radio on a talk show some guy from the projects who’s life revolved around playing chess outside somewhere was concerned because they were closing one of them down and he had to get another apt on HUD where they pay your rent. The guy was upset because he was no longer going to get free electric and never paid a utility bill before. He was in his 50s. So the host told him he’s going to have to stay shutting off lights if he’s not using them.
I guess they finally figured out these projects were growing crime, drugs, and non productive people that was originally meant for the working poor or temporary situation for family’s with young children.
From there gangs started popping up.
One of my grandmothers lived in Chicago for a time during another crime spree like the Capones which she knew them. Al and one of his brothers. Also a great aunt and uncle who had their own business who didn’t know them. But they didn’t go around doing what these thug hang bangers are doing from looting to car jacking to killing innocent people even seniors and children many fatherless because that’s what got them in these free rent projects. In fact Capone was entertaining them in speak easies lol
Did I mention I almost got car jacked here in California? I refused to let him have my car. Little did I know he had a gun and just robbed a store. Luckily some plain closed cop on foot was chasing after him and why he wanted me to give him a ride trying to him in my car but I quickly locked him out. My mistake was getting out of the car. I should of drove off and if he pulled that gun over him but didn’t register the danger right away I just through he was crazy. He probably was that too. Then a cop car pulled up didn’t waist tile told him where they went and they caught him got him off the street. Usually don’t get involved less I think a life’s I’m danger but wasn’t sure but sensed something just wasn’t sure what yet.
Ipso 19:58
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