” where they tax gas for almost the same as the price plus food and everything else that will hike up with it delivered by trucks plus uses in farming. You seem to be predicting a worse future that we already have.”
What you described is the present problem, why the whole system is collapsing, retail malls dying, no discretionary income. Banks and Gov’ts forced to “eat it”. I know of many people not paying their mortgages for 5 plus years.
Living free in NY. Plus free checks in the mail, what’s next? $100 bills in with the circulars? Somehow some way everything will work out. I think the only people and businesses that did well thru globalization will have to worry about 90% tax rates to support the system, unless they restructure, “reverse” whole integrated global system, back to segregated separate nations.
Screw the multi national business, that play both ends against the middle. Each country should make its own cars and TVs. “They” have been getting away with arbitrage a long time.
Lets see, Bill Gates 10 billion, taxed at 90% leaves him $1 billion. He’ll still be ok.