Obviously the managers are as dumb as a stump, or its just a big long term news blackout since 1970. First, everybody knows after 1970 general wages did NOT keep up with inflation. Then the wives went into the force because two salaries were needed to keep up with inflation.
Then because of the stupid leaders accumulation of error or stupidity, by 2001 with both spouses wages STILL lagging inflation, combined income, they had no savings or reserves.
So the ass hole bankers and gov’t had to give out 105% no documentation liar loan mortgages to support the fake system. Unfortunately by 2008 even that didn’t prevent non payment of loans or a global financial crisis.
Bottom line: The leaders and bankers and big corporation stupid greedy cheap skate dreamers, neglected and abused Joe Sixpack, and they all simply got buttslamed by the workforce, and problems ever since.
You can’t under pay for ANYTHING, like oil or electric or taxes or interest or rent costs etc or you will have problems. So the fake system failed to pay what the cost of living costs were and now they are forced to print money out of this ail and hand it out like coupon circulars in the mail and they STILL have problems anyway.
Besides the under paid tax PAYER workforce? Many tax PAYER domestic businesses, because of unfair foreign competition, had to cut back on wages and benefits, many were forced shut down, or move operations overseas. I witnessed this myself.
A lot of the surviving businesses and naturally their employees, many are supported by governments contract, or gov’t rules and regulations so are tax absorbing. Even if they pay taxes, they are paying with tax money, paying taxes to themselves.
Net net the Gov’t needs profitable tax payer business and profitable tax payer employees, if the want to keep the tax absorber ball rolling. But so far they just keep “getting away with” using the credit card bond market as their cash cow, and drive up the tab.
Mario Cuomo is the latest one to “not get away with it anymore”, Bernie Madoff was the first after 2008.