OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

@ipso facto re your 21:25 re my 22:04 Evergreen now Ever Given the massive cargo ship that ran aground in the Suez Canal,

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 9:13 on March 25, 2021  

I simply Googled. ‘evergreen airlines and CIA’

Yesterday your photo clearly showed EVERGREEN on the side. Today CNBC story renamed it Ever Given. When you scroll down they show a photo of the bow, and crop out second half of the name showing only EVER.

Maybe its only a mistake. But there is one blurry side view showing one of the “E”s blurred out with a boat or something. Now, the $64 question, if this was done on purpose, what would the motive be.


Another story, about the company going bankrupt.

“Legendary CIA Airline Now in Danger of Crashing”

“There was a time, not so long ago, that CIA-linked contractor Evergreen International Aviation was doing quite well for itself. So well, in fact, that the company offered to deploy its workers, free of charge, as election day sentries that would “detain troublemakers” at polling places. Today, the venerable intelligence-helpers have fallen on hard times.”


Another story parts.

Details of Covert CIA Airlines, described by head of the airline (chapter in book, Defrauding America)

“But Evergreen handled more than military or intelligence community work. Its SUPERTANKERS put out fires from to Mexico. Its unmanned systems division flew”

“Stephen Crittenden operated an airline with close CIA ties, Crittenden Air Transport (CAT), based in Bangkok, Thailand. Much of what Crittenden stated to me was corroborated by some of my sources.

Crittenden‘s described how the CIA assisted in starting up his airline, provides funds and operating expertise. He gave me details about the drugs his aircraft flew for the CIA.”


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.