Talk about nightmares!
“Nightmare” Of Factors Pushing World Into Coffee Deficit
A coffee shortage appears to be brewing as global supplies could shift into a deficit as drought in Brazil slashes output. This has resulted in surging wholesale prices and US supplies slumping to a six-year low. Savor today’s cheap cup of joe because retail prices are set to rise.
Besides the creeping deficit set to materialize this year, coffee importers in the US have also dealt with a global shortage of shipping containers. Christian Wolthers, the president of Wolthers Douque, an importer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, told Bloomberg this has resulted in a logistical nightmare.
He estimates his shipping costs from South America have doubled, adding that “these bottlenecks are turning into a container nightmare.”
“They’re sitting on the shares so”
PM shares stuck like that container ship …
Mr.Copper @ 10:04
We’re sure foolish to rely on China for vital resources like rare earth minerals etc. Needs to be some support for domestic supplies!
@ipso facto, Right, Lots Of Questions I consider them a form of global gov’t.
I can’t help being suspicious. Was it blocked on purpose? And if so what reason?We’ve seen so many magic tricks over the decades. Need higher Oil prices? Discourage international shipping? So more products are made domestically in each country?
Ya know, living standards and prosperity and tax receipts would be higher in all countries that produce their own goods as much as possible. Note the shortage of Chips. Masks? Why should “select” countries have monopolies on simple home made products? I can see various countries importing what they don’t have like Coffee or Rubber.
All the Indian Tribes each made their own arrow heads and wampum. I’m certain the Apache didn’t farm out Bows and Arrow work to the Comanche. 🙂
and the nightmare continues…
The CIA is not an organization that works for or is loyal to the US.
They are another entity that is owned/controlled by the Rothschild gang. Hence their control over media.
LOL where’s the guys with shovels?
Mr.Copper @ 9:13
Lots of questions I don’t have answers for. I don’t know why the CIA would need to own a major shipping company but who knows?
Nice turnaround for silver
Gold too for now.
They’re sitting on the shares so, might not stick. Can’t have the pm sector up in a down stock market.
Maddog @ 9:09
“Who’s in charge of the US?”
That is scary! I guess we’d have to say that the swamp dwellers are firmly in charge. Obviously Biden is not in any shape to make decisions. The deep state can do anything they like.
Harte Gold Reports Fourth Quarter and Full-Year 2020 Results and Provides Corporate Update
MacDonald Mines Provides Detail Regarding the New Claims Acquisition
Heliostar Heading Back to Unga, Alaska to Commence 2021 Exploration Program with Three Drill Rigs
Roxgold Continues to Rapidly Advance Séguéla Towards Formal Construction
Wallbridge Extends Fenelon Mineralization by 400 metres to Depth with 17.23 g/t Au over 4.00 metres in Initial Deep Exploration Hole
Talisker Announces Strategic Investment by New Gold and up to $19.1 Million Private Placement
Corvus Gold Reports From One Drill Hole, 38.3 Metres @ 2.15 g/t Gold, 34.7 Metres @ 4.24 g/t Gold, 35.9 Metres @ 1.77 g/t Gold, 24.8 Metres @ 2.47 g/t Gold & 40.5 Metres @ 1.45 g/t Gold, Expanding the Mother Lode Deposit, Bullfrog Gold District, Nevada
GR Silver Mining Drills Wide, High-Grade Silver Mineralization in the Plomosas Mine Area
White Gold Corp. Outlines Significant Gold in Soil Anomalies and Completes Structural Geological Interpretation at the Bonanza Property, Yukon
Eskay Acquires 100% Interest in SIB Property
Wheaton Precious Metals To Acquire Gold Stream From Capstone; Street Says Buy
@ipso facto re your 21:25 re my 22:04 Evergreen now Ever Given the massive cargo ship that ran aground in the Suez Canal,
I simply Googled. ‘evergreen airlines and CIA’
Yesterday your photo clearly showed EVERGREEN on the side. Today CNBC story renamed it Ever Given. When you scroll down they show a photo of the bow, and crop out second half of the name showing only EVER.
Maybe its only a mistake. But there is one blurry side view showing one of the “E”s blurred out with a boat or something. Now, the $64 question, if this was done on purpose, what would the motive be.
Another story, about the company going bankrupt.
“Legendary CIA Airline Now in Danger of Crashing”
“There was a time, not so long ago, that CIA-linked contractor Evergreen International Aviation was doing quite well for itself. So well, in fact, that the company offered to deploy its workers, free of charge, as election day sentries that would “detain troublemakers” at polling places. Today, the venerable intelligence-helpers have fallen on hard times.”
Another story parts.
Details of Covert CIA Airlines, described by head of the airline (chapter in book, Defrauding America)
“But Evergreen handled more than military or intelligence community work. Its SUPERTANKERS put out fires from to Mexico. Its unmanned systems division flew”
“Stephen Crittenden operated an airline with close CIA ties, Crittenden Air Transport (CAT), based in Bangkok, Thailand. Much of what Crittenden stated to me was corroborated by some of my sources.
Crittenden‘s described how the CIA assisted in starting up his airline, provides funds and operating expertise. He gave me details about the drugs his aircraft flew for the CIA.”
Looks like another rough day
There’s no stopping the dollar, as if that matters.
Silver slaughter continues with no relief in sight.
At least Bitcon is taking a hit so we don’t have watch that run to new highs while we get crushed.
ipso facto
Kunstler makes a very serious point, who the hell is in charge of the US…..considering the size of yr armed forces etc….it ain’t funny really.
Gold Train
PanAm Railways autumn gold
In the Shadows of Shadowland
Is there some kind of game on in the USA? Have our public affairs ever looked so false and disordered? Is it ever more wondrous that Joe Biden somehow managed to win the Super Tuesday primary, let alone the national election?
The country has gotten exactly what it saw all through the autumn of 2020: the empty shell of a broken politician. Back in October, Ol’ Joe hiding in his basement was played as a bad joke in a nervous zeitgeist. Nothing to see, according to the captive news media. Wasn’t that exactly it, though? Nothing to see and nobody home, the essence of our now-president, Joe Biden. How on earth did this happen?
My own theory: it was the strange byproduct of the political establishment fumbling to cover up its crimes, an endeavor so transparently inept that the rest of the world goggles at us in nauseated incredulity, watching our leadership flounder, our institutions fail, our economy vaporize, and our power dissolve, like a some dying blob in an epic horror movie. Even our most devoted adversary, North Korea, marvels out loud at the spectacle of American collapse. They joke about it, but it must make them awfully uncomfortable to realize that the USA runs under a shadow government, and runs so ineptly!
That sound like a lot! Way to go Joe.
42 Million People From Latin America Want To Migrate To USA
Bill Holter
Geez – sorry, Don’t know what else to say. Love the guy but he makes me sad for anyone who has followed him religiously.
Always going up, up, up, but never materializes.
I love him like I love Sinclair. Both are tiresome.
@ipso facto, Re the Doldrums
I know how you feel. You gotta hear the moaning about MP materials. It was a momentum play, If you go to yahoo charting, put in a ticker, and you can click “conversations”. I go there to see what people are saying. Cramer was pushing that thing and it went like GameStop.
All the indices are looking weak, no help, the Dopey/Dollar is still going up, a head wind. Lower dollar is punch bowl, higher dollar head wind. Things should get better soon. Other places in the mean time?
Integrated Oil and Gas, Oil and gas Exploration & Production, Oil and Gas storage and transport, pretty much all the energy sector. Even the steel sector looks good. Keep in mind our up trend started 2016, these other sectors just started maybe 6 months ago.
Mr.Copper @ 14:37
I’m trying not to curse too much … although I suppose that’s not doing something.