Morning Buygold
I’d love to see some dividends and more cos selling their own metal! Re: First Majestic … I think I read the other day that they had decided to buy back their own stock. Would have been nice to see some cash flowing into our pockets instead.
You may be right about the miners not believing their good times. Just like us they are accustomed to the cretins smacking them down.
I have a better idea since they lie about the CPI and real inflation numbers by A LOT which keeps gold down miners should not only produce and sell gold directly avoiding middle man scams stealing profits for themselves during demand but increase dividends based on not just price but sales and profit like any company instead of discount prices to devalue prices. I can see what their claiming that they see inflation coming so they raise premiums so they don’t lose money but a poor excuse. They are speculating and taking equity from our futures in the phyz on current prices and its holding prices down by discouraging buying. That’s no better than a car salesman selling a car for twice the price now than it would be 25 yrs from now. Do banks have to pay those premiums? Then the investors and company wouldn’t be at the mercy of manipulation as much anyways even if the banks, fed, or China quietly buying it up if investors profit off sales. But then again would the gov make a deal to fix those numbers? Fake inflation numbers still need to be called out. Let’s see the real then and now numbers comparison of prices. How much was a GM 30 yrs ago Mr Copper likes to mention compared to now then why is the inflation number so low compared to real prices. A cup of coffee then and now.
Morning Ipso
No doubt fundamentals are really good for most miners. They all should be doing what First Majestic is doing as you mentioned the other day – selling their own metal. OR, they should be rapidly increasing dividends as prices rise.
In terms of dividends they are probably petrified that the paper scum is going to take the metals down again.
I hate these flatline bounces, they always seem to resolve in downside moves.
Maddog @ 10:33 re your: “they pretend it is the economy, when everyone knows, it is the money printing” Re Dow SnP NAZ ETC
Exactly right. Because the market cap of all the miners is so microscopic, compared to all other stocks, its better to guide or lead the hive into a much much bigger sand box to blow up rather than ours little sand box. Geez if that big indices MOB tried to fit into PMs it would be tulipomania all over again. We would come and go in three years and look silly.
part of link
“Today, the tulipmania serves as a parable for the pitfalls that excessive greed and speculation can lead to. ‘tulipmania’ was one of the most famous market bubbles and crashes of all time. At the height of the market, the rarest tulip bulbs traded for as much as six times the average person’s annual salary.”
Quite a bit of green in the PM shares now
C’mon baby 7 come 11!
Maddog @ 10:33
You wouldn’t think so! They’ve been manipulating prices for far too long. I can’t wait til the rig blows up in their faces!
Gold miners’ Q4 2020 fundamentals
The gold miners’ stocks have suffered an extended correction in recent months, leaving them deeply out of favor. Yet their underlying fundamentals remain incredibly strong, thanks to continuing high prevailing gold prices. These companies’ recently-released Q4’20 results revealed they are thriving, generating massive revenues, earnings, and operating cash flows. Thus their stock prices need to mean revert way higher.
The scum can’t keep letting the SM go higher and higher, driven by inflation only, even if they pretend it is the economy, when everyone knows, it is the money printing……and still sit on PM’s as the whole world will eventually see prices as too cheap and move in…..
The Apes are gonna drive that Silver premium insane……
Silver demand outrunning supply … prices going down …
All’s well in Scum Reality.
Aquila check your inbox
Still having trouble?
“I am ape.” Hear me roar!
Maya … BTW … :-)
US has ‘secret evidence of UFOs breaking sound barrier without a sonic boom and performing moves humans don’t have the technology for’, says Trump’s Director of National Intelligence
comex silver
there is a growing disconnect between comex silver prices and…
1) physical silver prices,
2) silver mining share prices,
3) reality
i am ape!
MacDonald Mines Intersects 4.97 g/t Gold over 3.03 m, including 15.7 g/t Gold over 0.95 m from its 2020 Program at Scadding and Announces a 3-Area Drill Program for 2021
Wallbridge Extends Eastern Domain of Tabasco-Cayenne Zones at Depth with New Wide Intersection
Idaho Champion Extends Footprint of Gold System at the Baner Gold Project in Idaho
Nighthawk Announces $10.95 Million Bought Deal Financing
Bonterra Discovers New Gold Zone near Surface Within Two Kilometres of the Bachelor Mill
Gold Line Resources and EMX Royalty Corp Sign Definitive Agreement with Agnico Eagle for Oijärvi and Solvik Gold Projects
Wheaton, First majestic
Start the day up slightly despite silver getting smashed.
HUI up a little.
Really hoping we’ve seen the shares bottom first as they should.
Maya @ 19:29
“Bussard ramjet” That’s way cool! Wouldn’t that be great if we could travel faster than light and explore the stars.
If the aliens can do it then why not us?
Live Long and Prosper!
We’re getting cheated today
Dollar down, 10 yr. rates down
PM’s hammered?
Shares aren’t getting crushed too bad premarket, so maybe we’ll inch back.
Gold Train
The Rio Grande Zephyr… preserved
Spring Break ?
from what..? they havent been in class..I guess if teachers can be away to Puerto Rico while on break refusing to work the students can do it too..
ipso facto @ 17:57
And that energy could come from another, little mentioned, Star Trek device, the ‘bussard ramjet’ or ‘bussard magnetic scoop’ that collects energy from interstellar dust atoms. It was theoretically imagined by a scientist named Bussard around 1960 and was the basis in several science fiction novels, and was adopted as the Star Trek drive system. (It’s not just DiLithium crystals!)