OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 23:39 on May 31, 2021  

Have you heard anything about these vaccine cabal going around offering kids Ice Cream to take the vaccine in Canada without parental consent like the video I just posted mentioned? I guess parents are gonna have to seriously talk to their kids and alert them right away if they see them and hopefully go after them and shut them down.


Posted by treefrog @ 23:31 on May 31, 2021  

i haven’t used a food follow-up, but maybe that would remedy a mildly unpleasant aftertaste.

Suppose you heard Covid vaccine causing heart trouble in kids.

Posted by goldielocks @ 23:22 on May 31, 2021  

This is not good. They know and keeping it from parents.
It’s causing myocarditis which is a inflammation of the heart muscle. IN KIDS taking the vaccine the majority don’t even need to take because of low low risk of even getting to pulmonary stage.


Posted by goldielocks @ 23:09 on May 31, 2021  

Well good luck. I tried the empty stomach with the gel and that was made to take orally and decided to take something with it but up to you just drink at least a cup of water or something. I don’t know what they add to the sterile solution.
One thing I noticed when I first too it just to try it out I had cold symptoms and the symptoms were done with in a few hours after taking it.


Posted by amals @ 23:04 on May 31, 2021  

I think you came about it the hard way, but, yes, that’s about what I came up with.  I’m tired, too, so I’ll post my itinerary to that number another time.  Thanks for the input.

By the way

Posted by goldielocks @ 22:48 on May 31, 2021  

Moggy birthday just passed. Happy Birthday again Moggy. A lady don’t tell her age but she is likely the most senior people that’s been posting here.


Posted by goldielocks @ 22:45 on May 31, 2021  

The other post I didn’t see, no it wasn’t me with the sterile solution I got the horse gel due to storage. Another thing to keep on mind including temperature.
Moggy mad me get some cleaning herbs for the liver to go with it though when I told her lol She decided to get it to but only on hand.


Posted by goldielocks @ 22:37 on May 31, 2021  

Just saw your post and hate to do this when so tired but here you go.
200 mcg per Kg =2.205 lbs or = 1 lb , was the recommended dose but they’re moving things around on necessity but this is a normal strengths.
There is 1000 mcg in a mg.
160 lbs equal aprox rounded down ( 72.5 kg times 200 mcg) = 14,500
14,500 mcg divided by 1000 = 14.5 mg

See if you can see what’s exactly in that one you have.
Since it isn’t a gel and works well with fat for absorption you can eat something first maybe even carbs like oatmeal or bread and chase it with something because it probably won’t taste very good. I think it’s good not to take on empty stomach IMO
Maybe take a very small amount but keep track of that amount and subtract it if you take the whole dose wait awhile see how you feel.


Posted by amals @ 22:20 on May 31, 2021  

Thank you!  I was looking for your input as well; I have seen you post about it before.

Question: with food, without food, doesn’t matter?

amals/ivermectin 1%

Posted by treefrog @ 22:08 on May 31, 2021  

what i have done for years with my dogs is 1 cc = 1 ml  = 10 mg per 100 pounds of body weight, orally.  the procedure for dogs is – draw the dose from the vial with a syringe/needle – take the needle off the syringe and squirt it down the dog’s throat.  for humans, i squirt it into a shot glass, and take it as one would a very small shot of an adult beverage, rinse the shot glass with a shot of tonic water, and take that the same way.   (weekly)

six months so far with no adverse results.  it’s not a taste – treat, kind of bitter and sour at the same time, but not horrible either.


Posted by goldielocks @ 21:51 on May 31, 2021  

Ps it could have also been diamond shaped but trying to drive and seeing in move around in close proximity to where it was hovering and trying to drive it looked triangle shaped.


Posted by amals @ 21:48 on May 31, 2021  

Weren’t you one of those who had sterile solution Ivermectin?


Posted by goldielocks @ 21:46 on May 31, 2021  

This wasn’t a winged craft it was triangle shaped flying object very dark like black that could hover but move around fast and disappear faster.

Goldie @ 16:22

Posted by amals @ 21:35 on May 31, 2021  

There are some fighter jets that can hover; the Harrier is one.


Posted by amals @ 21:24 on May 31, 2021  

I am still trying to find someone to prescribe pharma-grade tablets, but in the meantime, I finally got to Tractor Supply and found 1% sterile solution of Agri-Mectin.  I know some here have the horse paste, and some have sterile solution.  I assume those with sterile solution are planning to take orally rather than injection (right?).  So once you calculate the dose ( for me, at about 16o lbs., per Dr. Kory’s group protocols, I’m figuring 15 mg Ivermectin per dose, and at 10mg/ml, that’s 1.5 ml), do you just squirt it in your mouth and swallow?  Empty stomach or with food?  Or maybe squirt it on something absorbent, like a piece of bread, and eat it?  What’s your method?


Posted by goldielocks @ 16:48 on May 31, 2021  

Re I honor those who believed in freedom , and often , as youths died for those beliefs .
I despise those who create wars , and even more those who profit from them.

Well said, now we have a group of anti American, anti freedom, who probably want a income without having to ever work for it wanting to cancel Memorial Day.
If they got what they wished “ anarchy” we could ship them off somewhere like China to join the Uyghur concentration camps or maybe N Korea.
That’s the other war after our country, and freedoms we have to worry about presently.
It’s not just China any more. Greed and envy never ends.

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting” Sun Tzu.


Posted by goldielocks @ 16:22 on May 31, 2021  

There have been many sightings of alien ships across the world. If they can travel as fast as their claiming we might not even see them. Two nurses saw one hovering over a hospitals I used to work then disappeared. I’m sure they got jokingly accusations of drinking.
While driving one day getting off the FWy I saw a triangle type object hovering and moving around like a drone would do but way too big to be a drone. It was about the size of a fighter jet but because I was driving I had to take my eyes off it and disappeared. It came out another person saw it too the same description. I don’t know what it was. Can fighter jets hover? Even then why flying so low and hovering over residential areas?


Posted by ipso facto @ 15:10 on May 31, 2021  

Lurking in the background to all this is the surreal government spending of “money” created from up the Federal Reserve’s wazoo on a Ponzi scheme for the ages that shows signs of ending as all Ponzis do: in ruin. Only in this case for an entire nation. We’ll end up either with no money or plenty of worthless money. Take your pick

The Three Rivers of Angst

We seen shortages before but not at these premiums.

Posted by goldielocks @ 14:43 on May 31, 2021  

Demand must be really heavy. Even shutting down pre orders.
United States Mint Announces ‘Global Silver Shortage,’ Shuts Down Orders for Silver Coins

Impact of COVID Vaccinations on Mortality. WTF… has the world gone blind??

Posted by silverngold @ 11:53 on May 31, 2021  


Hey Maya, Goldie

Posted by Buygold @ 11:41 on May 31, 2021  

Maya – I think you might be right that we never have been alone. To think that with billions of stars and planets, that we are the only beings in the universe seems pretty naive.

Whether these beings have always been here is another question. I tend to think maybe they have been, either existing under oceans or in the arctic, but if they have been, why wait until now to expose themselves?

So much we don’t know.

Alex Valdor @ 7:50

Posted by ipso facto @ 10:25 on May 31, 2021  

Well said.

Thanks to all the vets!

Memorial Day

Posted by Alex Valdor @ 7:50 on May 31, 2021  

I honor those who believed in freedom , and often , as youths died for those beliefs .
I despise those who create wars , and even more those who profit from them !

When I lived in Europe I often visited US and Canadian war graves .
So many were still teenagers , and too many graves were marked ‘Known Only to God’ – just tattered bits of flesh and uniform marking a young life lost . Tragic !

Insider selling

Posted by Richard640 @ 7:21 on May 31, 2021  
APRIL 14TH 2021—The following is an excerpt from a recent Market Comment featured on The Felder Report PREMIUM
As most readers should be well aware, one of the things I monitor most closely is insider buying and selling. Nobody knows more about the bullish and bearish developments of a business and its valuation relative to those developments than the company’s top executives. Now some believe that, while insider activity may sometimes be a good indication of future price movements in individual stocks, in aggregate it doesn’t have any meaning at all. In addition, many suggest that, while insider buying may be predictive at times, insider selling is not. Both of these positions, however, are contradicted by the data.
As Nejat Seyhun, Professor of Finance at the University of Michigan, has demonstrated in his book, Investment Intelligence From Insider Trading, the aggregate selling-to-buying ratio over certain periods of time has a very good track record at predicting future returns in the stock market. In his words, “Aggregate insider trading predicts aggregate stock returns.” Furthermore, “Aggregate insider trading predicts changes in future economic growth up to two years ahead.” So not only are insiders better market strategists than those on Wall Street, they are also better economists.
This should make intuitive sense. Who has a better read on both the stock market and the economy than the amalgamation of those top executives in the country with the confidence to not merely make a public forecast but actually put their money where their mouths are?
As to those who say, ‘there are many reasons for an insider to sell; there’s only one reason to buy,’ again here is Mr. Seyhun: “both purchases and sales seem to be informative. The future stock price movements following insider purchases exceed the average stock price movements. Also the future stock price movements following insider sales fall short of the average stock price movements.”

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 3:09 on May 31, 2021  

The Coaster


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.