That was a good speech but there are a lot of people who think like him, like the majority of patriots and conservatives.
There is only one person who had the know how to deal with all the problems coming our way and that was Trump. He can’t be everything for everyone but picked his battles by our priority’s and his staff and know how. Then people sat around saying Trump should do this, or that. Perhaps but what were they doing? Are we now spectators?
Yep money will do no good then especially if they confiscate it.
Like Mao did their cancel culture wants to erase history and exchange it for propaganda.
We need to preserve history.
I saw a article about a few professors that are claiming that proper language skills is racist. One good thing, that eliminates me from racist. Lol They will try anything to attack freedom of speech thought and try dumb down these students into failure.
How are they going to get a good job with these wacko teachers union sitting around thinking up ways to label things racist.
If they can’t come up with a real racist “ systemic” plot to justify their accusations they’ll sit around and make them up out of thin are by attacking a normal socioeconomic society’s and distorting it’s history.
Do these useful idiots think they will be spared themselves when someone comes up and says something about them like English language itself is racist. East LA illegal immigrants tried that once. It didn’t hold and then they wanted to make their own independent city.
Moggy pointed out something today that we should think about here in US anyways. Maybe you too since you have Trudeau.
The grid. That makes sense.
With weak sell out Biden it’s been a field day for Russia, China, communists in Europe, and parts of the Mid East.
It’s already attacked the gas grid.
I decided to get those big barrels for water plus a bigger filtration system than the portable purifiers.
Living in Calif that wouldn’t hurt anyways.
It’s about time they think about putting up desalination stations across the coast. That and stop people like Nestle from depleting our reserves then selling it. Not only that they are taking a lot more from our aqueducts than we’re allowed and no competent people stopping them.
He has my vote. Wish he ran for President
I’ve received a set of 5 DVD’s featuring 11 presentations by some very savvy folks …
including Catherine Austin Fitts , Dr. Sherri Tenpenny , Egon Von Greyerz et al , called ‘Extinction Protocols’ which is extremely well done , and eye-opening ! The production company is GenSix for anyone interested .
We are in for some very turbulent times ! Gates et al want 9 of every 10 of us gone – we are just useless eaters ruining THEIR Utopia .
A ZH reader sums it up….
Neoclassical economics is the economics of the Roaring Twenties, the Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression.
goldielocks @ 15:05….Kudos to you for recognizing priorities. If we allow this totalitarian takeover of the world, which is being disguised as a pandemic using fear and lies and deceptions, to continue unchallenged, IMO it won’t matter how much wealth we have accumulated.
If we lose our FREEDOM we have nothing left to lose!! Not money, not country, NOTHING!! They win!! WAKE UP PEOPLE!
Trudeau up to no good again, censorship.
Bill C-36 would criminalize speech that’s not “far left woke speech”: PPC
Mr Copper
Yep, everything we grew up to believe started to be erased before our eyes.
Yes I knew about that. It wasn’t just British soldiers either. They held hostage citizens like pows and as far as I can remember 100s of thousands died. They were reduced to human skeletons and many had to use shirts as loin cloths that’s all they had in guessing those mosquito infested jungles. There are still grave yards there with soldiers names.
I can still argue though that maybe people would start buying American cars again when they start making them here. Including their parts!!!
@goldilocks Roger That.
No didn’t know about the last British pow survivor. I’m surprised you knew that. Ammo and gun stocks yes started during Obama but it wasn’t a smooth ride. Trump crashed them when he told everybody he loved the 2nd amendment, not to worry.
Reb your “I’m concentrating on holding on to the countries past”? You must mean the 1945 to 1970 era. Or the money printing boom years of 1913 to 1929 and roaring twenty’s? After 1970 that past has been a night mare, a stealth economic depression, ever since, 50 bad years now.
When Americans started gleefully buying Toyotas in 1969, including my cousin Joanie, and friends Barbara and Kevin, bought Fiats, Fran and Donny bought a VW Bug, they were STUPID plain and simple. And after 1970 when they started the burden of EPA, again, the Americans that took the bait? Got duped. Its worse than high gasoline prices, and just more “taxes” for nothing.
Mr Copper
I was wondering when someone was gonna bring that up. I’m not trading but if I was it would short term trades with long term holds. Seems to me you can do one or the other right now.
I’m concentrating on holding on to the countries past they’re trying to erase and the Bible for the kids “ futures sake” if it gets uglier than it is now.
Books, videos including wars. Our constitution. I even have a silver locket with the first testament in it that you wouldn’t know would have to connect it to a computer. It would be nice if it had the second but at least it has half of it.
Did you know the last British pow survivor of the bridge over the river Kwai just passed away? Plus sabotaging the left any chance I can.
The ammo and gun sales have been going up since Obozo.
What About Stocks? What Are You Guys Gals Doing? Lets Consult.
Re crime waves? Civil unrest investments. Did any of you buy gun makers Smith & Wesson or Ruger? How about ammunition manufacturers? OLN or POWW. How about some stock tips that you are doing good with. Lets share info to make money.
Georgia on it too.
GA State Senator: ‘I Think We Can Ask For Our 16 Electoral College Votes Back And Park Em Here’
PS she is in Q They can get after her accusing her of white supremacy either she’s half American Indian.I love this. She will lead me to their site but can’t talk too much on public sites about it obviously.
We just did two days of talking catching up. Ill ask her later. She’s a strong Trump supporter, conservative and Christian. It even caused estrangement with her sister which I was also friends with we used to climb mountains together sometimes. If I could get in touch with her I’d ask her what is she doing!! Was glad to know she kept in touch with a lot of people previously from Sylmar high in mountains of San Fernando Valleyv and said their although most left are conservative on the right so that’s good to know. As we leave our votes here go with us though.
@Buygold re Gold and Silver Contracts One Day High Volume Bars.
Here is some more “Kentucky Windage” Or “Chicken Entrails” I think WANKA used to use. The Silver chart below shows high volume (blow off) on crash day and maybe a final one yesterday. Chart ends yesterday.
Gold same thing yesterday’s chart, two high bars on lows a good sign to me.
Look here, the Palladium guys blew it off and started back up in two days.
@Buygold 14:45, re Penny Stocks Versus Bigger Caps
I know exactly what you mean. I figured that out a long time ago. We try to hit a home run, with those cheap things, and get struck out. The more expensive stocks are easier to make money on. I like mid cap areas between half bil and 1.5 bil and up ok too. I like to see a p/e, and with a div is even better.
CDE below is one of my 14 positions, and I see a high volume bar the other day which is often a climax of selling or buying and turning point soon after.
Ask her when are they going to finish counting in Arizona? I thought it was already done on june 27.
BIDENS Governing model is
same as NERO & Caligula …..NERO blamed the Christians for devastating fires in Rome ..nee California .
Caligula was fond of spending money, but not so good at making it. After depleting the coffers at one point, he had the bright idea to turn the palace into an impromptu whorehouse. “To leave no kind of plunder untried, he opened a brothel in his palace, setting apart a number of rooms and furnishing them to suit the grandeur of the place, where matrons and freeborn youths should stand exposed. Then he sent his pages about the fora and basilicas, to invite young men and old to enjoy themselves, lending money on interest to those who came and having clerks openly take down their names, as contributors to Caesar’s revenues.” Rest assured, those who enjoyed themselves on credit eventually paid up, one way or another.
Maybe lol
Kinda busy right now.
Just found out one of my high school friends from way back lives in the county in Az their counting the ballots. She thinks Trump will be back in the WH. I hope she’s right and it’s not too late.
Also heard from someone else they and who I don’t know want to get rid of those voting machines for the next election.. or is it to get rid of evidence.
Crimex opens and the hits start coming
this is the only sector where we don’t get a nice bounce after going down for two straight weeks.
This must be a T/A shorter’s dream…
goldielocks @ 0:26
People may do what they like with the list or do nothing. It is somewhere to start … maybe just look at a few that seem prospective.
Ipso 23:10
That would be either blind faith or a whole lotta homework to check on all those companies then add up the pros to the cons and likely hood of what direction and when things change to do it again.