IMO the problem began way before this virus hoax began, and I don’t think the place to begin is by trying to hang Fauci for a crime that is so much larger than the part he played in it. IMO he’s just the current distraction…. the fall guy of the moment. Just look in any worldly direction, point a finger, and most likely you will be pointing to or at another political person or organization involved in this deception and corruption. If somebody points a finger at Fauci, chances are he will point right back because the finger pointer is also involved, and if they are not involved they will be in fear of their life or the life of someone they love if they try to speak up. I can’t think of anyone besides you and I that I would completely trust right now, and I’m not so sure about you…..or even me….for that matter. LOL!!!
A few more things come to mind:
“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone!”
Who is credited with the creation of the Georgia Guidestones, calling for a maximum world population of 500 Million?
Did half the world population actually get the first “jab” as is being touted?
Is that the Bill Gates gift that just keeps on giving?