Yep and some people are so blinded to a “ party” or fear mongering misinformation propaganda that call true science misinformation they go the wrong way. What’s worse is they will go get a shot of something that they don’t even know what’s in it. It’s not even the same as a vaccine in the traditional sense and experimental.
I tried something on FB to see if there was what you call a algorithm with medicine for Covid because every time you bring up the medicine you get a tag on you post about unproven medicine. Like they have a proven one, although the medicine has been proven so it’s a lie. The doctor who’s name escapes me the Orthodox Jew who was saving as many people as he can with Hydroxy while battling cancer himself God bless him now uses both at the time apparently.
Anyways they’re working hard to misinform the public and should be charged as accessory to a crime for doing so IMO.
So I split the name up as in Iver- mectin and escaped the algorithm.
One of the videos with questions and answers pointed out that Ivermectin treats West Nile too so I let someone in Texas know. With all that rain and mosquitoes they can get it and it can cause encephalitis. So it’s a gift that keeps on giving.
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