Walmart is going to Hell it appears. The one closest to me has cut their staff and eliminated checkers to all self check out.
I talked to someone who worked at another and she said they are planning a remodel and after she’s not sure what will happen to the checkers jobs. I told her the one near me remodeled first and it wasn’t even a remodel, they just moved everything around from o
stations and moved in self checkout. That was the extent of their remodel so be prepared. Plus since it is a super store quite large the blocked the doors getting in and out to one side of the building only because of criminals coming here and theft.
A nearby Riley’s also blocked the door on one side from the same reason and hired security.
Walmart payed in to the scams like BLM and Antifa now it’s come back on them with increasing theft because the ones supposed to be in charge of law and order set high dollar amounts on stolen goods before they do anything about it. What did they think they were going to get political favors? So it’s a free for all grab and go shopping spree that affects other stores too who then raise their prices due to these freeloaders.
That’s not to mention all the shopping carts taken up by the homeless.
Aufever 8:11
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