Well if your already in PPTA you did good there.
Aparently what’s happening is or they claim or blame no help because of unemployment. I don’t know if it’s totally that. I think a lot of people went on to other jobs and maybe better paying jobs.
Like here they opened a huge Amazon wear house. They’re paying or advertising 20 hr with benefits which actually isn’t much compare not to housing cost here where servers get paid about 12 or so with no benefits relying on tips they tax too because they keep them under full time hours. In some states they do something really messed up to them. They deduct their tips from their base pay. Like their a renting slave or something. I’m that case they get what they deserve.
They call it unskilled but it takes a certain skill and willingness to handle it to be able to do that kind of work.
Their on their feet all day with all sorts of personalities and moods and sometimes unruly kids coming in all day and all the running back and forth on busy days. Then you got the kind that sit there can’t decide what to eat while their standing on their feet all day plus someone else is waiting or eating refills on coffee instead of telling them to come back.
There’s a lot of people who tried it and said they couldn’t do it.
And the states that deduct their tips it serves them right.
Mr Copper 12.36
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