Years ago there was a reality TV show of lots Cuban guys in little metal working shops. I was amazed by their craftsman ship. And they all seemed happy. Even films from on the streets, the people seemed happy well dressed, well nourished etc.
You know me. I think WAY outside the Media’s shit box info. In my view, the latest Media news implying they are rioting against communism? Were the brainwashed liberals burning and rioting in major US cities fighting against communism?
I believe the global gov’t put sanctions on Cuba to piss off the people and create disorder and a regime change. The Global Powers have physical and psychological problems with pockets of independence. Even the Branch Davidians and Ruby Ridge people out in the middle of nowhere had to be straightened out.
Besides all that? The USA has historically been allies with Communist China and Communist Russia. We don’t see those citizens fighting communism. Except Hong Kong a little pocket of independence.
North Vietnam was not fighting against communism either. They were fighting against global business men or global powers or corporations that like to do as they please (especially mining) in other countries. The worlders have been SALIVATING to take over Afghanistan. Try to imagine all the untapped natural resources in all those mountains.
Recently I read Peru is getting smart, learning, and want to take over, tax or inhibit some foreign based mining companies. Over time one by one the backward countries smarten up, and say…
“What the hell are you doing hear?” That’s our stuff in our land, buzz off, have a nice day, you got away with taking our stuff a long time, we learned from you, be happy with what you already got away with”.
Way too much negativity in the news. I never believe anything they say or imply. I could them in too many lies.