Nice catch on your silver buy, you avoided a jump in price today. I see silver has been selling $10 over spot.
This may sound strange, but sometimes I think Silver is over priced compared to Gold. Because going back to the early 1970s a ball park figure I use to adjust for inflation is a factor of 20.
Back then, Silver was $1 per oz, times 20 is $20/oz today. Gold was $140/oz, times 20 is $2800/oz today. Besides that it’s not practical for banks and governments to buy silver because a multi million dollar investment would take up too much space.
Silver I think needs popularity with the masses to get real high like in the 1970s. Then the price out paced Golds price. Silver went from $1 to $50, gold only went $140 to $800. Blue chip action versus small cap? Nice jump today AU AG.