OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.


Posted by goldielocks @ 1:29 on August 30, 2021  

Ps Two people told me they ordered something “ accidentally” from China as they didn’t know it was coming from China ordered on Amazon and it’s been a very long time. One told me that they got a message it’s here in the US sitting in customs and some silly comment with it. Then the other said must have been the same place because she got the same silly comment with it too.
I tried to warn them to get what they need now just incase but there libs so they won’t learn until it’s too late.


Posted by goldielocks @ 1:16 on August 30, 2021  

Many of my elder patients years ago told me about that the kids today don’t know about. They did it before.
They all said the same thing they were told it was poison when they saw the crops just sitting there piled up. It wasn’t poison they were being destroyed. Back then it was to bring the prices up. Perhaps it had to do with the dust bowl who knows.
Prices are already up now causing people to eat less healthy than before because they can no longer afford to eat healthy.

Government in the US is paying farmers 1.5 times the value of their crops to destroy them….and it’s worse than that. They are intentionally creating this coming food shortage!

Posted by silverngold @ 0:00 on August 30, 2021  

Only 8 minutes to see what is really going on!!


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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.