For anyone interested, I took my second prophylactic dose yesterday. Took a first dose four days before that. Using 1% sterile solution, Agri-mectin. It is what was available at my closest farm supply when I found it a few months ago. I wanted to try it before I really needed it; wanted to try technique and dosage, wanted to see how my body tolerated it. It went fine both times. I had slight abdominal cramps yesterday afternoon, but very slight, and they could easily have been from something else; eating lunch when I wasn’t really hungry, and eating on a somewhat nervous stomach due to all the covid and vaccine news and MSM assault on those of us who are not vaxxed. I am fine this morning. I intend to continue prophylactic dosing on a fairly regular basis, and definitely if I know I will be in spreader situations. Am paying close attention to the FLCCC website. Also getting together some other preventative and early treatment aids. As an aside, I have had no illness to date; at least that I am aware of. Best to all.
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