In Junior High I had one paper route before school, and two others after school. My day started at 2:30 am on the steps of the local Catholic church where my papers were “spotted” for me to fold and deliver (about 125 as I recall)… and it ended when I got in from delivering my last evening papers about 8pm.
In High School we had an extra credit course called Junior Achievement where we actually formed our own legal corporation in grade 10, and made and marketed our own products, elected our officers, delegated responsibilities from purchasing to manufacturing to sales to accounting etc, and then sold our corporation at graduation. During that time I also lettered in cross country running, pole vaulting, and gymnastics (high bar, parallel bars, and tumbling).
Every afternoon/evening I worked for the US Carpet Company cleaning rugs, then stocked shelves in a local liquor store, and cleaned a dozen stalls to pay for my horses board. That was life in the 50’s for many of us. We didn’t question it because there wasn’t any free lunch that I ever remember back then. You had it to do so you just did it.