I agree Gold should be a lot higher, and I see and understand why you doubt TPTB allowed it higher for poor countries.
The only reason I thru that in, was because all my life I’ve seen too much foreign aid, and somebody in the story mentioned the hypocrisy of trying to help foreign nations, and at the same time in the past, TPTB held down the values of the commodities, of those nations.
What comes to mind is Venezuela. Their main export is Oil. When TPTB engineered a low 72 dollar policy it caused a high $145/bbl Oil, Venezuela was flying high doing great. They probably started borrowing and spending for the public good, but the $145 Oil caused a supply glut, and it went down to $28/bbl.
The system zigs, so the people zig, and then the system zags while the people are still zigging and they get screwed. It happened to gold bugs too many times.
Besides all that, I see too many signs that the system is trying to be more organic, more like capitalism versus the past since 1913 of a centrally planned manipulated economy.
I was working with metals all my life, and they were artificially too cheap. I assume for the greater good of lower manufacturing costs so everybody profits on the loss of producers. Copper was $1/lb plus or minus .50 cents 1972 to 2004 (after 9/11/01) unleashed over $4 now.
Aluminum also DIRT cheap too many decades seems to be unleashed lately too. Steel was so cheap, scrap pieces or drop offs were thrown away in the dumpster. Gold should be over $2800 with my calculations, so its on its wat there if everything is trying to right itself gradually.
Aircraft, and national defense manufacturers consume lots of metals and they got off cheap for too long.