Puhleaze, no one wants to work because of the following:
1. Shitty voting habits by the largest generational cohort since the 70s voting for the same D and R uniparty bullshit, “it’s different this time guys!”.
2. Shitty voting habits leading to leaders who are in the pockets of corporatists who outsourced every job
3. Freezing wages at bloody 1990s levels
4. Gutting work opportunities in low cost of living areas, forcing anyone who wants to make decent income into big cities, having to compete with foreign/local/wallstreet hot money for housing
5. Same craptacular generation cohort is #1 for NIMBYing any sort of high density housing as well as absurd zoning regulations.
6. Craptacular gen pulling all up all of the ladders for generational growth and then expecting an impoverished underclass to support their retirements.
7. Craptacular gen can’t seem to stop using their homes as credit cards so the Fed has to drive interest rates to the floor while allowing foreign hot money to make up for their home based credit card.
No one wants to work because a certain generation broke the silent agreement that other generations previously knew was essential to creating a stable future and now no one wants to support it. Everyone is rightfully checking out and waiting for the collapse.
I presume every reader on ZH is well positioned to handle the crash, but a large portion of the retirement population live on fixed incomes.
How is this certain generation going to feel when it all comes crashing down over the next 5 years? Will they admit they made a mistake and work to rectify the situation? Or will they double down on their malfeasance?
Seeing how the past 40 years have gone, i’m going to pull up my chair, open this bag of popcorn, and enjoy watching the, “Weak men make hard times”.