They started doing that with children and school slowly eliminating exemptions to a certain set of vaccines. That would eventually lead to adults. At least with adults they can tell you when something wrong.
The think is they know it’s unconstitutional to force people to take a substance or synthetic in their body against their will. They are trying to get around it by using institutions and business to threaten and coheres them which is also a violation of your constitutional rights.
So if it’s unconstitutional for the government to mandate vaccines why doesn’t the same apply to institutions and businesses. They have no special power and is basically right up there and beyond because it can result in death with sexual harassment.
Congress better get in this to make it illegal. Anything unconstitutional is not legal and no amount of pressure that your one of the cool kids if you take is is gonna change that.
They’re not even reporting to Vers the adverse effects saying it takes too much of their time. This not actively reporting all the adverse effects especially on a experimental substance is gross negligence IMO and will result in harming and killing more people with children in their sites next. If anything hire someone to write them up but their not. They need to stop paying extra for Covid and Vents and start treating them before they even got to the hospital but the extra money is a conflict of interest for the patient who’s worth motte dead than alive to corporate and the vaccine cabal.