We’ve given it to horses for years but until recently I have never researched it for humans….but that research has shown that to overdose with it is BS. Better too much than not enough but both too much and not enough are both effective. WAAAY too much may give you a rash and itchy skin but that’s because it’s eliminating parasites too quickly…and the rash and itch will go away in a day or two. If you’re using the horse paste all you have to remember is it is for a large horse about 1300 lbs, but few horses weigh that much so we just gave a full syringe to each horse anyway, and maybe 1/4 of the syringe to the foals in their first fall going into winter. The syringe plunger is notched and has a lock so you can set the amount you want. 4 notches is good for 220 lbs. Reset the lock. Pop off the cap. Squirt the paste either into the mouth or onto your finger so it can be licked off (it’s the consistency of toothpaste). Put the cap back on and your done. A syringe contains enough paste for a 220 lb “horse” to have 6 doses…..
Further research has shown that both the Horse Paste and the 1% liquid Ivermectin are the ones to take orally, but the liquid does not taste the best so you can mix it with something like apple juice to hide the taste. Too easy and too effective and too cheap to ever get FDA approval IMO….and all the above is also IMO. Luck to all from Silverngold!