VIGILANT TCW reader Gerry McBride heard the BBC’s Medical Editor Fergus Walsh making a huge cock-up with his Covid-related reporting on October 21.
Walsh claimed that 66 per cent of over-80s in hospitals with Covid had not been vaccinated. His intent was clearly – in line with most of BBC’s reporting of the topic – to criticise and shame those who object to being coerced into receiving an experimental gene therapy.
Walsh stated: ’94-95 per cent of the over-80s have had both jabs, so about 6 per cent haven’t had that, but they make up two-thirds of that age group who are in hospital with Covid. So it’s extraordinarily disproportionate if you haven’t been immunised.’
There was just one problem with this. Walsh was totally wrong. The actual proportion of unvaccinated over-80s in hospital was just 10 per cent (not ‘two-thirds’). To put it precisely, of the 1,553 over-80s admissions in the relevant week, only 134 were unvaccinated, as Mr McBride spotted: