Lots of interesting info on that subject. Re House Un-American Activities Committe. Evidently, by my interpretation, House the Un-American Activities Committe consisted of patriotic American people that after the war, “saw” things and “heard” things and got suspicious, or had a quick “gag reflex” to pro socialist or communist propaganda, like I do.
Stander (in below) was a commie suspect. Think about how the future unfolded after Stupid War Two. Socialist Europe, communist USSR, and communist China are re-attached to us. The morals went downhill in the 1960s, promoting sex drugs and alcohol, plus Gun Controls, and the Vietnam war we got suckered into, the prosperity started downhill in the 1970s. Then came the awful ’80s, on and on to today, with mental defects all loose over the place. Byproducts of poverty drugs and STUPID propaganda from the commie media.
HUAC House Un-American Activities Committe.
Amusing Part below just like Trumps four years of propaganda media Bassing Trump and America First policy. We had Trump like people way back then.
“When Stander was himself called before HUAC, he began by pledging his full support in the fight against “subversive” activities
“I know of a group of fanatics who are desperately trying to undermine the Constitution of the United States by depriving artists and others of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness without due process of law … I can tell names and cite instances and I am one of the first victims of it” …
This is a group of ex-Fascists and America-Firsters and anti-Semites, people who hate everybody, including Negroes, minority groups, and most likely themselves … [T]hese people are engaged in a conspiracy outside all the legal processes to undermine the very fundamental American concepts upon which our entire system of democracy exists.[45]
Stander was clearly speaking of the committee itself.