My brother let me know that he tested positive for Covid a couple days ago when we spent the Christmas weekend with the family. He had a bad case early when Covid first started. He manages the medical department for a prison in CA. has like 50 nurses that work for him, over 60% unvaxxed on the religious gig, the majority of the staff is black women. Tells you a lot about black behavior towards the jab and their trust of Gov’t.
Long story short, my brother was jabbed and booster jabbed, as early on it was a CA. mandate for the Gov’t workers. His symptoms are mild so far.
His wife refuses to get jabbed, and will not allow the kids to either.
Kind of a big test for natural immunity IMHO. A couple of my in-laws were jabbed as well. I have the pure natural immunity as does the wife. If the jabbed in the family get pretty sick, then the jab itself is promoting this Covid Stuff.
I will not get tested though, don’t want a false positive.