It seems like the whole country is on strike. And all those Ships sitting off shore? And the Media stories about not enough Truckers or labor to unload cargo? We can’t trust the Democratic Media. For all we know, the Ships might be sitting there because none of the businesses want any of the crap, and refusing to take delivery. Because nobody to sell to.
That sounds more accurate to me, even if its only half of the cargo not wanted or needed. It screws up the businesses that NEED and waiting for cargo. The system has been breaking down for a long time. Hanging on by its fingers and monopoly money. Gold is the canary, and the bankers have been holding it down the best they can, and its STILL holding $1800, and you can’t BUY any for $1800. Go try.
Ok I’m done here, everybody’s too quiet. PS if the consumer is 70% of the economy, then the Consumer is too big to fail. And they are failing to spend if they don’t want to. I hear demand deposits are way up.